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得到一个小茅屋容易吗?Is it easy to get a Jacal?

我们是小茅屋的主人。We are Amphitryon of the JACAL.

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终须结茅屋,到此学餐霞。End to end cottage, this study Canxia.

茅屋到宫廷,处处有爱情。Love lives in cottage as well as in court.

爱在茅屋,亦在深宫。Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.

看守人住在附近的小茅屋里。The watchman lives in a hut no far from here.

在这座简陋的茅屋里,尤达过着简朴的生活。Inside the hut, Yoda lived a simple existence.

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爱情可使茅屋变成金碧辉煌的宫殿。Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.

你埃塞俄比亚人,从你的茅屋的门里走出,向我走近。Forth from thy hovel door thou Ethiopia com ist to me.

如果大野狼进到我们的小茅屋,他会把你们全部吃掉。If the wolf gets into our hut, he will eat you all up.

在他们的小茅屋里只有健康和爱。In their plaited hut there is nothing but health and love.

玛丽亚无须再前行——欢迎啊,茅屋,屋顶下的产床!Mary she might not further go—Welcome thatch, and litter below!

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河岸上有小茅屋,还有大棵的李子树。There were small thatched huts on the beach and big plum-trees.

女儿则烧饭煮菜,打扫茅屋和照顾小孩。The daughter cooked, cleaned the hut, and took care of the baby.

水边的茅屋被悬于头顶的大树荫蔽着。The hut by the side of the water is shaded by an overhanging tree.

这小茅屋还有一个月的租金他必须付。There was a month's rent on their little home which he had to pay.

听到小花牛惊慌的哞哞低鸣,她快步跑出茅屋。She rushed out of the hut when she heard her dappled cow low in dismay.

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他和他的爸爸、妈妈、姐姐一起住在农场的小茅屋中。He lived with his father, mother, and sister in a cabin on a little farm.

我们躺在软软的干草铺上,对小茅屋的主人有说不尽的感激。We were lying on bed, feeling endlessly grateful to the owner of the house.

有一天他来到茅屋,但菲诺拉并没有像平常一样出来迎接他。One day he came to the hut, but Finola did not come out to greet him as usual.