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而且孔雀还会开屏呢!Peacock can also spread its wings!

我总是等待着它开屏。I always wait for it to open its tail.

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唯一遗憾的就是没有看到孔雀开屏的奇观。The only regret is that there is no wonder that the peacock.

溪水潺潺流动,鲤鱼摇摆着红色的尾巴,好像凤凰开屏。The stream rills softly. The carp fans its red tail like a phoenix.

等我下次来的时候,我一定穿上美丽的衣服看孔雀开屏。So next time I come, I will wear the clothes look beautiful peacock.

孔雀看到鲜艳的颜色就开屏。The peacock displayed its fine tail feathers when it noticed bright colours.

这种树挺有意思,跟孔雀开屏似的,当然我也在树下学了下孔雀。This kind of tree is interesting. It's like a peacock spreads its tail feathers.

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你知道吗?公火鸡也能像孔雀一样开屏呢!A male turkey can open its tail. When opened, its tail looks like a beautiful fan.

早晨,当他们分开大别山的时分,逗那只孔雀,孔雀怎样都不开屏!Morning, when they separate the dabie mountains of cent, tease the peacock, peacock tail!

当它们向着太阳开屏的时候,那尾巴就如象牙的圆盘,或是镀金的圆盘。Their tails when they spread them to the sun are like disks of ivory and like gilt disks.

尾部覆羽,用于开屏展示,汉堡大学动物学会和动物博物馆Tail covert, fan display, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg

不愿意去承认,但冥冥之中,注定就是选孔雀的人,静静地等待开屏。Reluctant to admit it, somewhere, is bound to select peacock who quietly waits for Kai-Ping.

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你的头羽有着绿宝石般的光耀,你又有华美的尾羽来开屏。The splendor of the emerald shines in your neck, and you unfold a tail with gorgeous plumage.

六月二十九日在德国慕尼黑的贺拉布鲁恩动物园,一只孔雀开屏展翅。A peacock shows his fan in full display June 29, 2007, at the Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich, Germany.

看了五大名山,我们一起往下走,光临孔雀开屏。After visiting the five famous mountains, let's step down to visit the Peacock Showing Its Tail.

有一次,赵佶要画院画家画孔雀开屏的屏障,画了几次他都不满意收藏。Once Zhao asked the painters to draw a peacock spreading its tail, but he was not satisfied with their works.

特别爱看她梳理长尾巴,姿势优美,叼起羽尾时有点儿象孔雀开屏。It's lovely to watch her comb long tale, nice pose, a bit like proudasa peafowl when she hold the tale in her mouth.

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在鱼塘周围还意外的看到了孔雀,班长一逗,它还开屏了,太完美的事情对我来说。When our moniter horsed around with it, out of a sudden, it spreaded its tail feathers. That's perfect thing for me.

我不知道为什么会给这种鱼冠名为狮子鱼,要说外形一点都不像狮子,倒是有点像开屏的孔雀。I don't know why will give this fish named lion fish, to say nothing like a lion shape, it is a bit like the tail peacock.

从微笑开始,象“孔雀开屏”般,业务员把产品最好的利益点展示给陌生客户。Starting from the smile, like "peacock"-like, the best interests of the salesman to product displays, point to the unknown client.