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他老是忘词。He forgets it.

老是目的弘远!Always aim high!

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她老是颐指气使的。And she's so bossy.

他老是吹法螺!He always talks big!

他老是说得信口雌黄。He is a fast talker.

别老是熊人。Don't scold too much.

他老是两面讨好。He is always trimming.

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我老是呛水。I always swallow water.

他老是神秘兮兮。He's always so secretive.

那台钟老是停。That clock is always off.

他们老是在闲荡。They are always dawdling.

你老是向着他。You always take his side.

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我照相老是照不好。I always photograph badly.

她只是感觉老是泪汪汪地想哭。She is just feeling weepy.

烂钱老是会再回笼。Abad penny always turns up.

他这个人老是抱怨。He is a chronic complainer.

“我不能老是往后延”。I can't keep postponing it.

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糊涂虫。散乱的,老是迟到。A slob . Messy. Always late.

别老是斥责别人。Don't always snap at people.

他老是宣扬他的公司。He always boost his company.