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不再分泌唾液。You stop.

他研究的是唾液的分泌。He was interested in saliva.

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蛇会对受害者分泌粘液。The snake slimed his victim.

但分泌高峰延迟。But secretion peak detention.

基础泪液分泌测定值。Value of basal tear secretion.

它妨碍睾丸激素的分泌。It interferes with testosterone.

母牛分泌乳酸的时间每年超过10个月。Cows lactate for up to 10 months.

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羊毛脂,即动物皮毛所分泌的油脂Lanolin aka Grease from Animal Fur

唾腺分泌唾液。Glands in the mouth secrete saliva.

以致分泌乳汁。Resulting in the secretion of milk.

狗见到骨头就大量分泌唾液。A dog salivates when it sees a bone.

另一类叫做旁分泌Another example is called paracrine.

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但我也感觉到肾上腺素迅速分泌的兴奋。But I also felt a buzz of adrenalin.

这样就会分泌出激素,So it elicits hormone release where,

常人的胰脏会分泌胰岛素Your pancreas normally makes insulin.

杯状细胞主要分泌黏蛋白5AC。Goblet cells usually secrete mucin5AC.

主细胞制造和分泌胃蛋白酶原。Chief cells make and secrete pepsinogen.

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金丝桃素储存于分泌细胞团内。Hypericin is stored in secretory nodule.

夜晚人体分泌的抗利尿激素较多。We all produce more ADH hormone at night.

分泌胆汁,以助消化食物中的脂肪。Making bile to help digest fats from food.