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底脚螺栓松动。Foot stud loose.

主轴承盖松动。Loose main bearing cap.

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松动的窗玻璃卡嗒作响。A loose windowpane rattles.

折起松动或移动土地。To loosen or remove the clothing of.

但是松动资金就流向这些地方。But this is where cheap money comes in.

我会的,我在盼着下一颗牙松动呢。I'll. I'm expecting my next loose tooth.

世界还是在松动资金的浪头之中。The world is still awash in cheap money.

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床架上一个松动的球形铜扣发出嘎啦声。A loose brass knob on the bedstead rattled.

chippings松动,例如作为一个警告,提醒驾车人士。Loose chippings, eg as a warning to motorists.

震动常常引起自行车许多零件的松动。Vibration often springs many parts of the bike.

电话随访者未发现有松动脱落者。Telephone follow-up were not found to loose off.

文王排斥之心开始有些松动。The king's heart of exclusion softened somewhat.

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请你把那块松动的地板钉牢好吗?Will you nail down that loose board in the floor?

随访6~55个月,功能良好,无感染及假体松动发生。All the patients were followed up for 6-55 months.

检查松动在前面的耳机轴承。Check for looseness in front and headset bearings.

浸在松动或粉饼,挖掘多余的。Dip in loose or pressed powder and tap off excess.

请你把那块松动的地板钉牢好吗?Will you nail down that loose board in the floor ?

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她踩到一块松动的石头上,扭伤了脚踝。She stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle.

可采用双螺母、防松动垫圈、点焊等。Double nuts, unti-loose washers, tack welding , etc.

他们在清除崖壁上松动的石头。They were clearing away loose stones from the cliffs.