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我用一把断柄的锥子。I used the awl with the broken handle.

这是因为我到今天才叫您看到这把锥子。This is because I show you this awl today.

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他便又一次掏出锥子和针,要扎她。Again he drove the awl and needle into her.

请不要把那把刀当锥子来用。Please don't use that knife as a screwdriver.

在家中度假的一天,15岁的路易斯捡起了一把钝锥子。On a vacation at home, Louis, age 15, picked up a blunt awl.

如果有风,也会如锥子一般刺穿你的皮肤。If there is a wind, it knifes through your skin like stilettos.

我也特意使用锥子在枪身上钻一些小洞。I also use intensively a seeing pin to add multiple small holes.

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巴巴木沙发坐着手里拿着一个锥子,正在工作。Baba Mustapha was seated with an awl in his hand, just going to work.

借着刷子和锥子,我们将附在已成化石的下颚上的石块刨开。With brushes and awls we teased away the rock encasing its fossilized jaws.

苏秦为了驱除睡意,便将一把锥子放在身边。Therefore, i order to eliminate drowsiness, Shu Qin kept an awl by his side.

锥子是一种在纺织品和皮革上钻洞的小而有尖头的工具。Bodkin is a small, sharply pointed instrument for making holes in fabric or leather.

他用锥子挖向黑暗的深处,用力敲击着钢铁以至于他开始支持不住了。He dug deep into the darkness, hitting the steel so hard that his body began to fail him.

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它们又时像锥子锥我,有时像敷在伤口上的白霜或黑药。They also like when I stabber cone, and sometimes like a wound-shih spew black or medicine.

威尔伯吃食的时候,勒维拿了锥子和钉子,把松了的栏板钉好。While Wilbur ate, Lurvy fetched a hammer and some 8-penny nails and nailed the board in place.

以后每当要打瞌睡时,就用锥子扎自己的大腿一下,让自己突然“痛醒”。After that every time he nodded, he would pierce his thighs to make himself wake up from the pains.

纪昌花了两年的功夫,练到即使有锥子向眼角刺来,也能不眨一下眼睛。Ji Chang spent two years on it, and managed not to blink, even if an awl 1 is coming at his canthus.

你就要拿锥子将他的耳朵在门上刺透,他便永为你的奴仆了。then take an awl and push it through his ear lobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life.

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有才能的人活在世上,就像一把锥子放在口袋里,它的尖儿很快就冒出来了。A capable man living in this world is like putting an awl in the pocket. It's sharp-end will stick out very soon.

一旦锥子进入了大脑,他就可以通过挪动锥子,切除灰质和白质。Once the pick was inside the brain, he would literally wiggle it around, cutting through the white and gray matter.

她对一个头上刺着锥子的蒙面怪物感到很是惊讶,因为她很“好奇”那名演员到底是怎么打扮成那副模样的。She startled one of the masked performers with a poke to the head because she was "curious" what it would feel like.