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于是我笑了笑,跟他调情,他也跟我来了个投桃报李,感觉真好。So I smile and flirt and he flirts back and it feels good.

你帮别人取得成功,别人也会投桃报李。When you help others to succeed, they will do likewise for you.

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有迹象显示,美国方面有可能投桃报李。There are indications that the United States has probably reciprocated.

而就在第二年夏天,当中西部闹水灾的时候,佛州人便投桃报李。The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida returned the favor.

急欲投桃报李的中国便协助、怂恿伊朗方面对核能力的要求。In exchange, China has aided and abetted Iran's quest for nuclear capacity.

鹤冈学生每年来到新布伦瑞克留学,新布伦瑞克也投桃报李。Tsuruoka students travel to New Brunswick each year, and New Brunswick reciprocates.

英国人投桃报李,用一艘船满载新鲜水果、鱼、蔬菜以及一头猪,送给埃姆登号的德军。In return, he sent a boat to the Emden loaded with fresh fruit, fish, vegetables and a pig.

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科莫罗夫斯基“投桃报李”,表示波兰支持俄罗斯与北约和欧盟进行合作。Komorowski, "reciprocate", said Polish support for Russia's cooperation with NATO and the EU.

要是他们最终落脚于同一个监狱分区的话,拉贾拉特南或许能够投桃报李,回报他的恩情。Perhaps Rajaratnam will be able to do him some favors if they find themselves on the same cellblock.

中国人的善意,也得到了外国残疾运动员的投桃报李。Chinese's good intentions, also obtained the foreign disability athlete's exchange of gifts between friends.

世间法本是相对,一般凡夫总是投桃报李,或以牙还牙。Ordinary people are always either "returning the gift of a peach with a plum" or "taking a tooth for a tooth.

投桃报李,他也常常称她Flotus,即美国第一夫人的首字母缩略。In return, he often refers to her as Flotus, an official acronym that stands for First Lady of the United States.

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从某种角度说,俄对阿奉行和缓政策是对阿疏远美国的一次投桃报李。In some ways that Russia pursue moderate policies on the Arab-Israeli Arab alienation is the first time in the United States reciprocated.

投桃报李,吉利本月宣布,它将在上海的一个工业区成立自己的沃尔沃总部以及一家装配工厂。Geely reciprocated this month, announcing that it will build its Volvo headquarters and an assembly plant in a Shanghai industrial district.

然而,令这些地方失望的是,他们苦心制定的优惠政策并没有收到投桃报李的效果。However, those who make these places disappointed is, the favourable policy that their pains makes did not get the result of exchange gifts.

同样乐于助攻的他此后又投桃报李地妙传给葡萄牙人单刀,可惜后者晃过门将后却将球打在了边网上。He's also happy to assist followed by the Portuguese to return a favor to pass Single, which is a pity, however, after goalkeeper Huang Guo ball in the side of the line.

中国人一而再的善意日方不但没有投桃报李,洗心革面地对过去所犯的战争罪行做出反省,还厚颜无耻地声称所有指责俱属诬蔑。Not only did the Japanese not reciprocate the friendly gesture of the Chinese by making remorse over the war crimes, it declared shamelessly that all accusations on them were only mud-slinging.

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商队亦投桃报李,将城堡列入商路为其带来财富,同时亦为城堡供应足够骆驼以供城堡组建骆驼骑兵部队。The traders show their appreciation by including the place along their caravan route, bringing extra coin in, and ensuring there's enough camels about to use them to form specialised cavalry units.