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但在这场争权夺势力的过程中,似乎双方都违背了自己的承诺。In fighting over power and control, it seemed that both sides breached their promises.

我生平征战无数,有旳为夺地,有旳为争权,有旳为荣耀。I've fought many wars in my time. Some were fought for land, some for power, some for glory.

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随着力量迅速膨胀,主要领导人之间又开始了争权夺势的斗争。With the rapid expansion of power between the main leaders, again according to the struggle took.

后来因抗战局势的发展和国民党内部派系的争权斗争而流产。But later, the Anti-Japanese war developed rapidly, and factional struggle within the KMT and abortion.

十六世纪后期,中国西北部的蒙古族的准噶尔部内部进行了长达八年的争权混战。In the late 16th century, the Zonggar people who lived in the northwest of China, had been in Civil war for about eight years.

蒙古贵族内部的争权夺势,天灾和大量的农民起义导致了元朝的瓦解。Rivalry among the Mongol imperial heirs, natural disasters, and numerous peasant uprisings led to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty.

从应对现实的角度看,阮籍的审美人格是针对魏晋时期争权夺势、尔虞我诈的卑下人格而提出的,表现出阮籍对现实的关注。Among them, the putting forward of the aesthetic personality predaced as the WeiJi period cheating one another, showing attention to the reality.

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韩信求封“假王”之事,一直被学术界认为“借机争权”或“居功要挟以求利”。Han-xin'asking for "Furlough-King" has been throught "to scrabble for the authority" or "take credit to himself in order to benefit" by the academe.

然而,一些分析家认为,吴敬琏的批评者是政府内与其他派别争权的势力,如此,吴就安全了。Nevertheless, some analysts believe that Mr. Wu’s critiques are aiding one government faction in a power struggle with another, and that he is protected.

塔利班宣布哈基穆拉。马哈苏德的新指挥官,塔利班也否认为争权而了内斗的报导。But insurgents have declared another militant commander, Hakeemullah Mehsud, as their new chief and have rejected reports of infighting among their ranks.

部分原因可能要从氏族首领以及远古君主之间的争权斗争中去找,这种斗争规范了其后中国的政治发展。Part of the answer would seem to lie in the struggle for power between the clan chiefs and the early kings which shaped China's later political development.

和其他希腊城市一样,在雅典争权夺势的两个政治阶级或派别分别是政治寡头和民主主义者。The two political parties or social classes that vied for power in classical Athens, as in most other Greek city states, were the oligarchs and the democrats.

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本文从安史之乱以后,玄宗、肃宗父子间争权夺位这一角度论述了西川从原剑南节度分立之原因。This paper analyzes the cause of the schism of Xichuan from Jiannan after the An-shi Rebellion, when the Emperor Xuan and the Emperor Su were fighting for power.

自古以来君臣上下争权谋利,有智者劳心劳肺,无智者当牛做马任人宰割,强吃弱,弱逼抢,官官相护。Since ancient times, emperors of for profit, the wise to hearts lung, no wise when the cattle and horses trampled upon, eat strong weak, weak closing down, officials one another.

雍正帝胤祯即位后,因对与其争权的前太子胤、三哥胤祉极为不满,所以对为胤祉主编该书的陈梦雷痛恨至极,将其流放。When Yingzhen assumed the throne as Emperor Yongzheng, he exiled Chen out of hatred for the latters service for his third brother and the eldest brother, the ex-crown princeas well.

雍正帝胤祯即位后,因对与其争权的前太子胤礽、三哥胤祉极为不满,所以对为胤祉主编该书的陈梦雷痛恨至极,将其流放。When Yingzhen assumed the throne as Emperor Yongzheng, he exiled Chen out of hatred for the latter's service for his third brother and the eldest brother, the ex-crown prince as well.

部门内部则会因为没有边界而产生很多越权、争权、越位、缺位、逃避责任,不择手段追逐利益等恶劣的现象,这对一个组织的发展来说危害极大。Within department, some phenomena such as exceed authority, contend for power, offside position, absent position and so on would be presented, which will badly harm to developing of an organization.