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它就像一个微小的数据中转驱动。It looks like a tiny jump drive.

在捉到微小的动物后。After catching the small animals.

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设计圈套去捕捉微小的动物。Make traps to catch small animals.

他因微小窃盗遭到了解雇。He got the sack for petty thieving.

这对大巨微小的雄司都有损害。This hurts companies large and small.

利用棉花棒刮去微小的污垢。Use cotton-tipped swab for tiny dirt.

我由于微小的细节而有理解力。I am perceptive of the minutest detail.

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胚微小,胚乳丰富,含油。Embryo minute, endosperm copious , oily.

最微小的声音在这大厅里也会产生回响。The big ball echoes the faintest sounds.

巨大初于微小。from small beginnings come great things.

他贻误了我们获得的一个微小的机会。He fumbled the one slender chance we had.

我想"微小"这个词更恰当I think the word tiny might be justified.

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可是,比较微小的时间增量又如何?But what about smaller increments of time?

看着那些微小的陆军坦克,难道是在展示他的衣服?Look at those tiny army tanks. Man in suit?

从骨髓细胞断裂的微小碎片。Minute fragments from cells of bone marrow.

这些微小的基因种子被称作“鱼卵”。These tiny seeds of genes are called "roe."

色素体由许多充满了颜料的微小单元组成。C consist of tiny sacks filled with color dye.

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想我堂堂兽中之王,虽属微小型,如此可爱。KOZA As the King of the woods, I'm a cute one.

不要在微小的事情浪费精力。Don't waste energy fussing over a minor matter.

许多大的争论往往始发于微小的谈话。So many big arguments begin with small comments.