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也许,我真是个灾星。Maybe I was a time.

我是个可悲的灾星。I'm a pathetic disaster.

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这是造成失败的灾星!This is a recipe for disaster!

现在,那灾星再也不来欺压我们。The devil does not ride us any more.

相反,她变成了一个致命的灾星。Instead, she became one its deadliest scourges.

芝加哥既是美国的光荣,也是美国的灾星,两者合而为一。Chicago is the glory and damnation of america, all rolled into one.

对于高级官员而言,计算机技术既是福星也是灾星。For the top brass , computer technology is both a blessing and a curse.

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尼娜患有严重的关节炎,那真是她的灾星。Nina suffers a lot from arthritis. It's really the bane of her existence.

念头端正,福星临,念头不正,灾星照。Thought well, the idea is not straight, star, according the bitterest curse.

但是当球队发挥出色,没人会说30岁的人在球队就是灾星。But when the team is playing well, no one talks about you being the wrong side of 30.

气是无明火,忍是敌灾星,但留方寸地,把于子孙耕。The gas is does, endure is the enemy, but to leave the bitterest curse of ground, children in crops.

新县长一听把前任县长骂作灾星,却把自己当成福星,高兴极了。The new one to the former county magistrate scolded for Zaixing, put her as a lucky star, delighted.

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原先好好的人家,也不知是家里进了什么灾星,连着倒霉!At premier thoroughly celebrity else, didn't know as well is a family enter what disaster star, interlock disadvantageous!

拿诺洛病毒来说,这种讨厌的病原体是游轮灾星,可在数百名乘客中迅速流行,引起剧烈呕吐、腹泻。Take norovirus. This nasty pathogen is the bane of cruise ships, as it can rage through hundreds of passengers, causing violent vomiting and diarrhoea.

试着放下背包,有些动物生来就要相互背负,以求生存,共生共栖,匆匆一世,好像灾星下相爱的恋人,一夫一妻制的天鹅。Why don't you set that bag down? Some animals were meant to carry each other, to live symbiotically of a lifetime. star-crossed lovers, monogamous swans.

我觉得,每个人在自己的一生中迟早会面临考验,我们大家都有各自特定的恶魔灾星,备受压迫和折磨,到头来总得奋起与之搏斗。I suppose sooner or later in the life of everyone comes a moment of trial. We all of us have our particular devil who rides us and torments us, and we must give battle in the end.