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伽弗洛什正立在她们背后听。Gavroche had stopped behind her and was listening.

属于林内乡的诗人有林正立与许绍明等人。The poets from Lin Nei Village were Lin Cheng-li, and Hsu Shao-ming.

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当他向房门跑去时,那儿正立着一位手里拿着一盏灯笼的中年男人。When he ran to the door, there stood a mid-aged man with a lantern in his hand.

随即我低头向背包看去,它正立在路旁白色的水泥地上。Then I looked down at my backpack, sitting now on the white concrete strip of road.

场认知方式对正立面孔的识别没有显著性影响。Field cognition mode has no significant influence on the recognition of upright face.

那声音听来有些模糊,彷佛你正立在另一个世界的入口一般。They were so dim that made you feel you were standing at the entrance of another world.

平面图形的裁剪窗口过去多被定义为正立的矩形。Theclipping window of two dimensional graphics always used to be defined as upright rectangle.

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学生着装得体,坐正立直,行走稳健,谈吐文明。Students to dress appropriately, sit still stand straight, walk strong, civilized conversation.

巨大的iroko木框架窗户插入正立面,自然光充斥着内部。Large iroko wood-framed windows inserted into the facades flood the interior with natural light.

这座建筑被门口强调的清水混凝土正立面使得它很快地受人关注。This residence is immediately noticeable because of its blank concrete fasade punctuated only by doorway.

廊柱、大旋梯、正立面、观众厅墙面、穹顶都是典型的西方古典风格。Pillars, big-sized winding stair, facades, the wall of the auditorium and dome are of Western classic style.

现有的百货大楼有一个狭长的正立面和纵深很长的平面,内部被几个圆形的中庭打断。The existing department store building featured a narrow frontage and deep plan punctuated by several circular atriums.

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与望远镜中的棱镜对角线一样,可以使相片正立,可用于陆地型观察范围。Exceptionally good as prism diagonals in telescopes as they erect the image and make it acceptable for a terrestrial type viewing scope.

房屋的二层正立面是橙色的有褶皱的金属面,它稍微比一层楼向外突出一点,形成一个小的悬空区域。The front elevation is composed of an orange-clad corrugated metal volume cantilevered over the lower level, clad in cementitious panels.

尽管两个正立面呈相反方向,但屋顶一直延续到地面,与现有公园建筑相互连接。As the two facades rise opposite each other, the roof lines connect to the ground and continue the existing park onto the actual building.

结果改变标本位置后可形成正立的图像,与使用解剖镜一致。Results Positive after-image could be formed through changing the place of the sample, which had the same function as dissecting microscope.

两个极点的指尖,固定在一个正立着的大圆环上,大圆环嵌人水平大圈内,下面四根雕有龙头的立柱支撑着水平大圈,托着整个天体仪。The globe is placed in a standing hoop, which is beset into a horizontally placed hoop, suppor-ted by four pillars decorated with dragonhead patterns.

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正立面是视觉和材料的主立面,通过白色垂直板条拼贴在一起形成细腻的建筑肌理从而达到建筑的安全感和轻盈感。The front facade is presented as a visual and material screen, a delicate fabric of vertical iron slats painted white providing security and lightness.

凯恒中心正立面由两道平面位置重合的钢结构连廊相连,其支撑架和提升架的选择困难。There are two steel galleries in front elevation of Kaiheng Center, whose support frame and lifting frame selection were difficult during construction.

在传统的人躯体感觉拓扑图中,沿着大脑中央沟躯干四肢代表区是倒置排列的,头面部代表区是正立的。The face component of the classical somatosensory homunculus has long been thought to be oriented right-side up along the central sulcus of the human brain, the rest is upside down.