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老虎伍兹也只能屈居第二。So Tiger Woods came in second instead.

中国的全能冠军扬威屈居第四。All-around winner Yang Wei of China was fourth.

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在科学方面,芬兰落后于上海屈居第二。In science, Finland was second behind Shanghai.

永远屈居于劣势,想想都窝火呀。It Be been to bad position forever, want all nest launch.

在男子跳板中,谭良德屈居第二。In the men's springboard, Tan Liande had to settle for silver.

麦凯恩在新州胜出,但在密执安州却败给罗姆尼,屈居第二。McCain won in New Hampshire but placed second to Romney in Michigan.

他刚刚结束了他每周一次的汽车拉力赛,以两秒之差屈居亚军。He had just finished second in a weekend rally race two seconds behind first place.

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詹姆斯·马佐尼·道尔顿上士不甘屈居于自己的美国队友之下,他在一天内跑了86英里。Refusing to be outdone by an American, Army Staff Sgt James Mazzoni-Dalton ran 86 miles.

能够接触到爱的本身,即使能与我们所爱的人重聚,那份快乐也会屈居其次。Even our reunion with loved ones will take second place to our encounter with Love himself.

美术馆大部份都在丘陵里是一个缺点,因为如此一来美术馆相较于图书馆就屈居弱势,有失平衡。This makes the existence of the museum weaker than the library. Therefore it is off-balanced.

最后的12位决赛选手每位在周四晚上各跳两次,而韩当时屈居第二。The 12 finalists each made two jumps Thursday night, with Han in second place after the first.

郭定了解这种心情,有很多人都不能忍受屈居人下的。Guo Ding understood this kind of mood, many people just could not endure being under anyone else.

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上个赛季那不勒斯以59个积分屈居第6,离当年冠军国米23分。Last season Napoli finished 6th in Serie A with 59 points, 23 points behind Champions Inter Milan.

金莉莉屈居第二分万懊丧,受马师爷怂恿,决定勾引关云鹏。Li-li jin relegated to the second dispirited, the horse touts urged, decided to seduce GuanYunPeng.

以Del.icio.us为例,用户最重要的是在保存书签的过程中寻找到了自身的价值,而其他的使用方法就屈居次位。people find value saving their personal bookmarks first and foremost. All other usage is secondary.

利物浦屈居埃弗顿之后位列第五,却仍然以卫冕冠军身份入围欧冠。Despite coming fifth, behind Everton, Liverpool still qualified for the Champions League as holders.

不过在所有智能手机产品中,iPhone的用户数量仍然位于RIM的黑莓之后屈居第二,后者的用户数量达到了1496万名。Among smartphones, the iPhone is still second to RIM's BlackBerry, which has about 14.96 million users.

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按照等级规定,达赖喇嘛是最高领导,班禅喇嘛屈居第二,葛玛巴则排名第三。The stated hierarchy is Dalai Lama first, followed by the Panchen Lama, and the Karmapa in third place.

为什么我们对迷信的关注就这么少呢,为什么我们就要将动物本能屈居于自然科学之后呢?Why should we give any less respect to those than we give to our animal instincts that underlies science?

印度留美学生数量连续8年居首位,但是去年被韩国赶超,屈居第二。India was the top sending country for 8 years. But last year it was in 2nd place, followed by South Korea.