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他是第一名承认自己或缺乏必要经验的党首。He is the first to admit he may lack the necessary experience.

如果你可以当一个恶党首领,会选那个组织?If you are a leader of the evil men, which organization you would select?

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她重新开始履行党首和印度当今实际领导人的职责。She resumed her duties as party leader and the de facto boss of India today.

该校前任“学生校长”是自由民主党前党首查尔斯·肯尼迪。The departing Rector is Charles Kennedy, former leader of the Liberal Democrats.

不巧的是,官员们在党首福岛瑞穗的分布地区以外的当地种植蔬菜。And officials in Fukushima halted the distribution of locally grown vegetables outside the prefecture.

P/日本民主党新党首鸠山由纪夫在东京的一次新闻发布会上讲话Democratic Party of Japan new leader Yukio Hatoyama speaks to the media during a news conference in Tokyo.

在去世前,基什内尔是南美洲国家联盟秘书长、国会议员以及庇隆党党首。He was also the head of a union of South American nations, a congressman and leader of the Peronist party.

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作为回应,联邦党人则强调决议独立的重要性,因为联邦党的党首、当时的副总统亚当斯在其中功不可没。The Federalists in reply emphasised the resolution, and the part played in it by their man, now Vice-President Adams.

胡主席主持并接待了台湾各反对党党首史无前例的访问,这一举动大大缓解了台湾公众的疑虑。President Hu hosted unprecedented visits by Taiwan'sopposition leaders which did much to reassure the Taiwanese public.

我推荐赫尔-艾尔默选区国会议员妮可特梅尔继续履行过渡期党首职责,直到选举出正式的继任者。I recommend that Hull-Aylmer MP Nycole Turmel continue her work as our interim leader until a permanent successor is elected.

民主党党首鸠山由纪夫表示将不会参拜靖国神社,也不会允许其内阁成员前往参拜。Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, the leader of the DPJ pledged not to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, and will tell his Cabinet to avoid doing so.

具有讽刺意味的是,这些问题正是党首们在最近几年中为祛除经济痼疾而设法要解决的问题。Ironically,those were the issues party planners tried to cure when they stimulated thehell out of the economy over the last few years.

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具有讽刺意味的是,这些问题正是党首们在最近几年中为祛除经济痼疾而设法要解决的问题。Ironically, those were the issues party planners tried to cure when they stimulated thehell out of the economy over the last few years.

党首们想避免初选,担心福特的超凡魅力将会分裂党团,使州共和党得益。Leaders wanted to avoid a primary, fearing that the charismatic Mr Ford could divide their members and strengthen the state Republicans.

阿布哈兹党首亚历山大·茨希巴,同时也是海滨城市加格拉私有化与投资部门的主席,看上去对此表示满意。The party’s host, Alexander Tsyshba—the head of the privatization and investments department for the seaside city of Gagra—looked satisfied.

在周一民主党党首选举之前,野田佳彦就已经呼吁与主要反对党组成大联合政府,以打破国会僵局.Already before Monday's leadership vote Noda had called for a grand coalition with the main opposition parties to break the parliamentary deadlock.

鸠山28日罢免了社民党党首福岛瑞穗的内阁大臣职务,理由是她不同意政府在冲绳县内搬迁美军基地的方案。On Friday, Hatoyama dismissed SDP leader Mizuho Fukushima from her cabinet post after she refused to back his decision to keep the base in Okinawa.

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许多选民,尤其是在陆克文的家乡昆士兰州的选民们,仍在在指责劳动党大佬们在执政中期做出鲁莽的撤换党首的决定。And many voters, especially in Mr Rudd's crucial home state of Queensland, still disapprove of the tawdry way Labor bosses switched horses in mid-stream.

这是胡先生在北京第一次作为总司令的军事阅兵,也是他最后在2012年卸任党首,2013年卸任主席之前的最后一次。It was Mr Hu's first military parade in Beijing as commander-in-chief and his last before he steps down as party leader in 2012 and as president in 2013.

按照规定,如果在党首选举中,有候选人超过200票将直接当选,如果没有,则在得票前两位的人当中再次投票选举。According to regulations, if the party's first election, a candidate more than 200 tickets will be directly elected, and if not, among the top two vote re-vote.