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军中无戏言。There is no jesting in war.

我决定把他的话当作戏言。I decided to treat his remark as a joke.

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他一句戏言引发一场政治风暴。His casual remark trigger a political storm.

他一句戏言引发一场政治风暴。His casual remark triggered a political storm.

他戏言自己忙于做一个单身父亲而没有时间再做丈夫。Says he's much too busy being a single dad to be a husband.

即使一个小男生的戏言也可能有一些真义。Even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point.

库柏人常戏言“库柏”是“合作”这个词的词根。Some of Cooper guys joke that 'Cooper' is the root for 'Cooperation'.

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我戏言如果我们在任务中被捕,他是真正的间谍,而我只是个司机。I joked that if we were ever captured, he was the spy and I was just the driver.

绝无戏言。这是一个养成语言习惯的问题,得花不少时间。I'm not kidding. Learning a language is a question of forming language habits and that takes time.

在禅宗“戏言近庄,反言显正”的思维方式影响下,词人创作出不少具有讽刺意味的俳谐词。Thirdly, under the influence of Zen's paradoxical thinking-way, ci-writers had created many satirical humorous-ci.

你穿着这些衣服去上班很可能会引起老板的反感,甚至有被炒鱿鱼的风险——这绝非戏言!Your boss may hate seeing you sport these kind of clothes in the office, you could even get fired for it — seriously!

宝怡知道后很不满,叫舒馨别相信见一个、追一个的男人,并戏言要舒馨嫁给她。Bowie is very upset about Chun, and tells Angie not to trust the one who flirt around. Bowie makes joke about marrying Angie.

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但是在她那隐秘的灵魂深处,她对鲍里斯作出的保证是否是戏言,还是紧要的、具有约束力的诺言,这个问题一直使她觉得难受。But in the most secret recesses of her soul the question whether her engagement to Boris were really a mere jest or a solemn, binding promise worried her.

从表面上看,这些男人对女性能力的评论似乎只是一种戏言,可这表面现象却无法掩饰许多男人对女性所抱的鄙视态度。On the surface, the comments made by men about women's abilities seem light-hearted. The same tired jokes about women drivers are repeated day in, day out.

从表面上看,这些男人对女性能力的评论似乎只是一种戏言,可这表面现象却无法掩饰许多男人对女性所抱的鄙视态度。On the surface, the comments made by these men about women's abilities seem light-hearted. This apparent lightheartedness does not conceal the real contempt that many men feel for women.

同学戏言,乖乖今年明年运势都不怎么地,还两三年不会有合适的男朋友,真的假的啊!Classmate jesting, darling's right-down are not very good this year even next year, and that's not all, I won't have a suitable boyfriend in the following two or three years, is it really?