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他站在那里望着那景色出神。He stood entranced of the sight.

他们对着那景色出神。They were enraptured at the scene.

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他痴痴地靠着树干,望着眼前的一片新绿出神。He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.

睁着双大眼睛,怔怔的望着漆黑的天花板出神。I looked at the dark ceiling unfeelingly.

你是在欣赏塞里木湖这么出神。You are enjoying Sayram Lake so attentively.

巴阿雷望着那街垒出神,他喊道Bahorel, in ecstasies over the barricade, shouted

她六十岁了,经常处于出神状态。She was sixty years old and had frequent trances.

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这种现象是伴随着异像和出神状态而来。And this phenomenon was accompanied by visions and trances.

夜晚,他望着浩茫的星空出神。He was lost in thought, staring at the boundless night sky.

我盯着气球出神,不小心跟两个小兄弟撞了个满怀。It distracted me, causing me to bump into two young brothers.

演唱者唱出的第一个音符就使听众出神了。From the first note the singer's voice entranced the audience.

我们喜欢盯着它们,出神地看它们自顾自地忙碌We enjoy staring at them,entranced as they go about their business

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他坐在椅子上,望着火炉的余烬兀自出神,淌着眼泪。He sank into the chair, and brooded over the embers, and shed tears.

我们喜欢盯着它们,出神地看它们自顾自地忙碌。We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business.

我们用金属锻造出神明,把他们漆在寺庙的墙上。We forged them from shining metals and painted them on temple walls.

如果你行出神的话,麻烦将不会毁坏你和你的家庭。If you act on the Word, trouble will not destroy you and your household.

圣经通过使用神不同的名字启示出神的性情来。The Bible reveals the character of God through the names it uses for Him.

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我望着窗外出神了,等回过神来时,眼前又是另一番景象。I looked out the window trance, come back, such as sight is another story.

她读得出神,每次翻页就不自觉地舔一下食指。Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page.

她颤巍巍地用手把头发收拾到脑后,然后又盯着那些小小的手指头出神。With trembling hands she pushed it back and looked down at the tiny fingers.