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而吉姆-海因斯证明这扇门是“虚掩着的”。And Jim Hines proved "the door" half-open.

经人指引,我登上石阶,推开虚掩的门扉。Its gate was left unlatched, so I pushed it open.

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把门虚掩着就可以啦,我马上回来!Just leave the door unlocked. I will come back soon.

不管怎么说,前门虚掩不落锁的时代是一去不复返了。At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over.

开关家具时,一定要将门,抽屉等关好,不能虚掩。Switch of furniture, must the door, drawer shut, cannot be unlocked.

清晨的第一道光线从虚掩的门射了进来。A thin thread of first light made its way through the half-open door.

在清晨或黄昏,岛上游人稀少时,可能会有一扇小门虚掩着。Early in the morning or at dusk, there maybe one door left unlatched.

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是真不懂还是虚掩,是不想了还是想不起?Is really does not understand unlatched, did not think cannot remember?

结果他拒绝回答,留下了一扇虚掩的门——一切皆有可能。He declined to answer, leaving the door to that possibility slightly ajar.

成功的门往往虚掩着,只要你勇敢去推,它就会豁然洞开。The door of success is often the door left unlocked, as long as you brave to push, it will suddenly wide open.

听着父亲路上便道走上来时靴子发出的沉重的不不祥的声响,听着钥匙塞进虚掩的门的锁孔里。I listened to the ominous sound of my father's boots clomping up the sidewalk. The key rattled in the already open door.

他们只是以经济效率为依据,要么虚掩其道德观点,要么完全抛弃。Arguing almost solely on grounds of economic efficiency, they generally gloss over the ethical arguments or dismiss them entirely.

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即使第一句话的意思是故意的——我们可以假设是如此,后一句仍然为斯坦曼的侥幸留了一扇虚掩之门。Even if thefirst meaning is the intended one—as we can assume it is—the latter sentenceleaves the door open for Steinman to slip in.

她便象只老猫似的,踮着脚,跟上去,向虚掩着的门缝里张望,她能望见他却不会被他看见。She followed him with the step of an old cat, and was able to observe him without being seen, through a crack in the door, which was directly opposite him.

踏入“虚掩”的铁门,漫步过“一坪草地”,这间酒吧就“藏在花园的一角”,浑身散发着“大隐隐于市的气质”。Push an unclosed iron door and walk through a tract of grass, you will see Omalley's is hidden in one corner of the garden and it gives forth an odor beyond that of a suburban.

即使出门片刻,也一定要注意随手关好门窗,不要因为怕麻烦,麻痹大意,将门虚掩,窗户大开,让不法分子有机可乘,顺手牵羊。Develop the habit of closing doors and windows, even when going out for a moment. Don not let the doors and windows open for convenience. Criminals will take the advantage and pick up on the sly.