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他是个木工。He is a woodworker.

我学会了做木工。Father, I have become a joiner.

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他以木工为业。He is a carpenter by profession.

他在一家木工厂工作。He worked in a carpenter's shop.

乔安娜的男朋友是个木工。Joanna's boyfriend is a woodworker.

照旧在为你那再也见不着面的木工抽泣?Whose face youll never see no more?

写作就像木工,也是个工艺活。Writing is a craft, like carpentry.

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他做木工活,以维持生计。He makes his livelihood as a carpenter.

木工开始在403房间铺地板。The carpenters began to floor Room 403.

这件木工活做得很粗糙。The carpentry work was just mickey mouse.

因此,木工不能被认为是艺术家。For this reason, cabinetmaking is not art.

那位木工用刨刨平一块木板。The carpenter evened a board with a plane.

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于台湾高雄的一群木工爱好者。It is an amateur woodworker club in Kaohsiung.

在那里他认真地学习了木工There he learned carpentry in a very serious way.

然木工石坊之作帝王乎Was it kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?

木工,金属,塑胶,藤器等压克力喷漆。Acrylic lacquer for wood, metal, plastic, Cane-work.

老式木工活的工作计划和项目。Vintage WoodWorking Plans and Wood working Projects.

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他们自己做饭,纺线,做木工活。They do their own cooking, spinning, and woodworking.

青岛市木工机械协会会员单位。Qingdao Woodworking Machinery Association member units.

木工用钻孔机在木板上挖个洞。The carpenter used a drill to bore a hole in the board.