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这是鬼神们赐给他的。This is what they deliver him.

魔尊——鬼神界的统治者。Demonor, the Lord of the Demon plane.

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目的是想吓走阴魂鬼神。It is meant to frighten off evil spirits.

鬼神则是气在太虚状态下的属性。Third, ghosts and gods are the Qi's attribute.

鬼神是文学中常见的题材。The hobgoblins are a popular theme in literature.

在我们四周围有很多坏鬼神学。There are plenty of bad theologies around us today.

总之,丰都鬼神文化正在衰落。In some words, the ghost culture inFengdu is declining.

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敬鬼神而远之,这是多么有智能的做法。King of spirits, and well, it was such a smart approach.

在孔子的著作中很少提及来世和鬼神。In the works of Confucius, afterlife, ghost and deity were seldom mentioned.

民间鬼神与神人崇拜信仰是民间文学创作的重要内容。Folk deities and God-man worship become the major content of folk literature.

我和我的女儿、小外甥,也不会为鬼神迷了心窍。I and my daughter, little nephew , it will not be lost spirits minded manner.

我知道那里的每一处杀人越货之所与鬼神出没之地。I knew every spot where a murder or robbery had been committed, or a ghost seen.

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在上古时代,殷人信仰鬼神的宗教观念最为浓厚。In ancient time, the Yin people deeply believed the religion of ghosts and gods.

当然,我们身处于科学时代,现代的科学研究可识破鬼神之说。We, of course, live in a scientific age, and modern research pierces hocus-pocus.

象未开化的人那样迷信鬼神,这完全是倒退,他们把因果关系弄颠倒了。It's a complete reversion to primitive superstition. They are confusing cause and effect.

第三种是象征型符号,包括人鬼神图纹、图腾纹等。The third type is the symbol of symbols, including spirits pattern, patterns, such as totem.

童乩大多将病因归咎于鬼神或超自然力量。Most Taiwanese shamans impute the cause of disease to spiritual beings or supernatural forces.

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据说这片新罗屋瓦上的鬼神是根据想象中蚩尤大帝面貌描绘的。They say that this ghost roof tile of Silla was made in the image of the Emperor Chiwu's face.

他具有通达的思想,在散文中对佛教、道教、鬼神迷信。He had reasonable ideology and he criticised the Buddle and the Taoism and the idea of immortal.

晋北一带保留着古老的殷商习俗,崇尚鬼神,“鬼”一词在人们日常会话中使用频率很高。“In northern Shanxi dialects, the word ghost is frequently used in people's every day conversation.