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星星在睡莲中开放。Stars open among the lilies.

她的脚像睡莲那样吗?Has it feet like water-lilies?

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青蛙比睡莲叶子多。There are fewer frogs than lily pad.

费利克斯到天堂中的那片大睡莲浮叶上去了。Felix went to that great lily pad in the sky.

陈燕儿闻言追问睡莲是否是南方人。ChenYan son smell speech ask water lily is from the south.

他们手上拿着,车上装着很多的荷花和睡莲。They had lotuses and water lilies in their hands and in the carts.

该花的花朵和叶片的睡莲也应予以拆除。The spent blooms and leaves of water lilies should also be removed.

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这就是王莲,是世界上最大的睡莲。This is a Victoria lily, the largest kind of water lily in the world.

那是一朵生机盎然的纯白睡莲,正在用她自己的方式展现她的独特个性。It was a vivacious pure white lotus flower, with her very own personality.

绿色的青蛙,蹲在阿察法来雅三角洲水面上的一片大睡莲叶子的叶面上。A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta.

睡莲静静漂浮的湖湾,现在成了汽艇的避风港。The bay where water lilies quietly floated is now a harbor for motor boats.

睡莲叶子和其它植被点缀了乔治亚州的奥克弗诺基沼泽地上的水域。Lily pads and other vegetation dot the waters of Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp.

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我们,用暖流浇灌起绚丽的紫荆、纯洁的睡莲。We, with the warm current from a beautiful watering Bauhinia, pure water lily.

湖中有一株睡莲在生长,每天它的叶子覆盖面积增加一倍。In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size.

我们将睡莲敬献给战争英雄们,将嘉兰百合献给伊拉姆烈士。We offer nilmane l flowers to war heroes and niyangala flowers to Eelam martyrs.

苏州睡莲床垫有限公司是中国家具协会床褥出口的骨干企业。Is one of the key enterprises of China Furniture Association for mattress export.

那几乎象禅宗里的瞬间——莉莉站在睡莲叶子上,后面是那繁茂的如莫内的画般的背景。It's like a moment of Zen. Lily on a lily pad, the lush Monet inspired background.

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我们选择“白睡莲”作为有机学和生态气候学的比喻。The Lotus leaf has been selected as organic and bio-climatic metaphor for proposal.

整个夏季,在这睡莲的世界里,蹼鸡和黑水鸡过着困惑迷茫的日子。All summer, in this world of water lilies, the coot and moorhen lived a confused life.

水只有几尺深,但是这些睡莲的精神却堪比天高。The water was only a few feet deep, but the lilies reached for the sky."--Frans Lanting