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在建筑史学界也是如此。It is the same for architecture.

这无疑是考古学界的爆炸性发现。This was archaeological dynamite.

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心理学界有很多研究。There is a lot of research in psychology.

“不大”是否已经虚化成词在学界还存在争议。It has a dispute whether "Bu Da" is a word.

在学界是有争议的一项制度。It is a disputable system in academic circles.

该书对学界左派进行了抨击。The book is a diatribe against the academic left.

学界排球比赛经巳展开。The Inter-School Volleyball Competition already started.

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对此,史学界基本上认为是雇佣。To this, historians basically consider that it was hire.

戴仁是法国当代汉学界的主将。Dai is a Contemporary French sinology commanding general.

但是学界对其态度却各持己见。But academic circles hold the personal opinion respectively.

曹魏时期的兵制被史学界称作士家制度。The military system of Cao-Wei Period was called Shijia system.

然学界似乎一直没有给予关注。However, Zhou-Bida hasn't been paid enough attention at all times.

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目前在国内免疫学界,他是一位颇有影响的海归派专家。In China immune circles, he is quite the penchant to send experts.

杜甫究竟诞生于何处?这无疑成为杜甫学界一个重大的反思课题。Where Du Fu was born became an important issue of Du Fu researchers.

经济法调整对象的独立性在法学界一直存在争议。The independence of economic laws regulative object is up in the air.

华侨教育长期以来都是史学界关注的焦点和研究的热点。Overseas Chinese Education has long been a hot topic in history study.

启蒙是一个很大的题目,也是当代学界研究的热点问题。Enlightenment is a charming theme, also a hotspot in nowdays" academe."

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我有机会使用学界最好的资源,接触到最好的教授。I had access to the best resources and the best professors in my field.

唐甄是清初有一定影响的进步思想家,学界对其为学观的研究是不够的。Tang Zhen is one of the progressive thinkers in the early Qing Dynasty.

刑诉法再修改问题是当前学界关注的焦点问题。The re-amendment to the criminal procedure law is the focus of academe.