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这饼子我可吃出了辣椒的味。I can taste pepper in this cake.

我很想吃饼子。I feel love having some dumplings.

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这些饼子中你想吃哪些?Which of these cakes would you like?

他把这个饼子分给孩子们。He divided the cake among the children.

到哪里去买太太喜欢吃的饼子呢?Where to buy my wife likes to eat the pancake it?

坏习惯像饼子,碎了比保存起来好。A bad custom is like a good cake, broken than kept up.

在你能够的时候重复使用塑料、纸、易拉罐和饼子。Recycle plastic, paper, cans and bottles when you can.

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坏习惯象饼子,碎了比保存起来好。A bad custom is like a good cake, better broden than kept.

你已经吃了好几块饼子了,你真的还要一块?You have had several cakes.Do you really want another one?

一会儿饼子烤好,方献夫用布包好,匆匆上朝去了。While pancake baked, Fang Xian-fu cloth, to rush towards a go.

生活条件较好的人家,接待客人的牦牛肉排,饼子和奶茶。The rich family receive guests with Yak meat, biscuit and milk tea.

这是饼子有史以来第一次用奶瓶喂小宝宝,所以她很生气我给忘了。She is mad because this is her first time ever to bottle-feed a baby.

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放学后,我喜欢买一个饼子吃,在路上和同学谈话。After school, I like to buy a cake to eat, on the road and classmates talk.

我们左后卫的竞争很惨烈,小因,饼子和牛哥。We have really good competition now on the left with Insua, Aurelio and Dossena.

说的就是热锅才能贴住饼子,猛火才能让片片长出焦黄的锅巴。Said the hot pan that can be affixed to live pancake, Meng Huo can grow so Pianpian Guoba the sallow.

母亲让他带上一块在炭灰里烤的面饼子,还有一瓶酸啤酒,做为午饭。His mother gave him a cake made with water and baked in the cinders, and with it a bottle of sour beer.

片好的驴肉是炖好的,夹在两片像意大利脆皮面包模样的饼子中间,这样就做好了河北风格的三明治了。Sliced donkey meat is stewed and served between two pieces of ciabatta-like bread to make a Hebei-style sandwich.

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咸鱼饼子从当地农村流入城市,现在所有小馆子大饭店都吃得上。Salted fish pancake from the local countryside into the city, and now all the small restaurant to eat at a big hotel.

将小米煮熟,捞于凉天水或冷水中,炎热的夏天中午,配冷菜或饼子食用。Will be cooked millet, winners in Tianshui cool or cold water, hot summer afternoon, with consumption of cold or pancake.

“吃吧,你看你这个人……啧,啧!”“营业部主任”又慷慨地扔过来。那半块饼子已干得坚硬无比,扔来扔去都不会掉渣的。"To eat, to eat! " the Sales Director chucked back again benevolently , the cake was so hard that its residue did not dropped.