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我将来就是名扬天下的歌手了。I'm going to be a famous singer someday.

波尔多是海港城市,它盛产的葡萄酒名扬天下。Bordeaux, a seaport and most famous for its wine.

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爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家,他名扬天下。Edison is a great inventor whose fame is world-wide.

中国物质"难道要名扬天下?Will Chinese be known in the world for being materialistic?

我为你祈祷,愿你早日名扬天下。I pray you will as soon as possible make your name known in the world.

菏泽牡丹名扬天下,非常漂亮,而且有很多小吃。The peony there is very famous and very beautiful, besides, there are a lot of snacks.

真正的肯于1994年去世。他对令自己全家名扬天下的娃娃极为厌恶。The real Ken, who died in 1994, was disgusted by the doll that made his family famous.

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在世界文学史上,美国女作家玛格丽特•米切尔是少有的凭借一部作品就名扬天下的作家之一。In the world of literature, Margaret Mitchell is one of the few writers whose fames are built on only one book.

安化茶马古道在“茶马互市”中发挥了重要作用,安化黑茶因此而名扬天下。The ancient Tea-horse Road played an important role in the tea-horse trade. Thus Anhua dark tea gained its world fame.

杜卡迪传统双缸发动机释放出的令人振奋的强大动力,使“杜卡迪”的名字在赛场上名扬天下。The traditional double-engine of Ducati which releases heart-stirring power makes Ducati very famous in the the arena.

我们如果无法让自己名扬天下,那么我们也可以让自己的后代明白我们的光明磊落。If we can't make oneself world famous, so we can also let oneself of the posterity be understand our open and aboveboard.

傅抱石是二十世纪中国画坛的一位大师,以其山水画名扬天下,独创“抱石皴”为中国山水画史添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。Well-known to the world with his landscape painting, Fu Baoshi is a great master of the Chinese art circle in the 20th century.

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1987年,作为一个有着千余尊佛像的古穴,敦皇莫高窟名扬天下,并被写入了联合国教科文组织关于世界文化遗产的名单。In 1987, the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, also known as the Caves of 1,000 Buddhas, were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

杭州因大气开放的钱塘江而存在,因精致和谐的西湖而名扬天下,因昔日繁华的运河而成为国家历史文化名城。Hangzhou exists for the grand Qiantang River, is famous for its delicate West Lake and becomes a national historic city due to the canal.

苏州一直以富庶美丽名扬天下,时至今日,这座繁荣发展的古城仍不断散发着无限的魅力。The historic city of Suzhou has long been famous for its wealth and breathtaking views. The charm of this fast developing city seems unlimited.

从某个角度而言,因为托斯卡纳的人们太沉迷酿造勤酒了,使得翁不里亚的白葡萄酒更容易脱颖而出,名扬天下。On the other hand, because the Tuscan are too obsessed with Chianti Classical, makes Umbria white wine easily stands out and famous in the world.

民风淳朴,六千年前已有先人在此生息,素以鱼米之乡、丝绸之府、文化之邦名扬天下。Simple and sincere, Liu Qiannian before have ancestors in this interest, is known for land of plenty, silk of the House, the state of culture legendary.

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麻辣烫源于四川火锅,香味厚实而醇浓、麻辣而鲜味不失。麻辣烫更是因为方便、自助、快捷的优点迅速名扬天下,成为大众喜闻乐见的饮食。Spicy an peppery food is derived from Sichuan hotpot with spicy and hot taste and which is famous for the advantages of convenience, self-service and rapidness for eating.

德赛教授把他的研究目标放在了航空航天领域,这些公司和机构是向太空发射卫星,火箭和航天飞机的单位,它们的知名度均名扬天下,任何闪失都难以掩人耳目。He based his research on companies and organisations that launch satellites, rockets and shuttles into space – an arena where failures are high profile and hard to conceal.

苏州,这座扬子江畔的古城,精美的园林、雅致的江南建筑和2500多年的文化使它名扬天下,不论商务旅客还是度假人士,去苏州旅行都是他们心中的一个渴望实现的梦想。An ancient city on the Yangtze River well known for its gardens, elegant architecture and more than 2500 years of culture, Suzhou is a business or leisure traveler"s dream."