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取本字串与泛型物件中的泛型物件。Gets the generic type object of this.

语言工具的另一个特色是可以帮你翻译一些可自由剪贴的文本字块。There's also a box that you can enter a direct URL into, translating to the chosen language.

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这些自定义字段就是短文本字段,并且最大只能显示400个字节的文本。The custom fields are short text fields that can only display a maximum of 400 bytes of text.

语言工具的另一个特色是可以帮你翻译一些可自由剪贴的文本字块。Other features on the language tools page include a translator for blocks of text you can type or cut and paste.

最后部分是附录,本文考证了洞口赣语中一些口语里常用的本字。The last chapter is appendix. We research the original characters commonly used in tongue. in Dongkou Gan dialect.

您可以看到所应用的表单的背景颜色和文本字段的字体样式,与我们在自定义主题中所定义的内容相同。You can see that the background color of the form and the font style of the text fields are applied as we defined them in the custom theme.

但在不同的卷子中本字与借字的使用并不一致,表明魏晋时期这些字的使用正处于发展演变时期。But in different volumes, the borrowed and standard are used differently, which indicates that these characters were in the process of evolution in the Wei and Jin Period.

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莆仙方言为闽方言的一支,考证莆仙方言本字对研究其它闽方言本字具有参考价值。The Puxian dialect is a branch of the Min dialect. A Textual criticism on the Puxian dialect is of value to the etymological research in the other branches of the Min dialect.

汉语方言字主要来源于传统的字典辞书、地方韵书或方言词典、民间文艺作品与地名用字,在类型上则可分为本字、训读字、假借字与自造字四种。Characters of Chinese dialect chiefly root in traditional dictionaries of characters, regional phonetic dictionaries, dictionaries of dialect, folklore and characters used in place names.

河西方志方言章中的方言词汇,在书写形式上存在着因本字失考而误用同音字的现象,致误原因是撰稿者蔽于方音而对方言词的语源未能详加考察。In dialect vocabulary in the chapter of dialects in records of history in Hexi district exists the phenomenon of homophone misuse in written form since the character-misuse were not studied.