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我觉得重复这个有点儿没意思。I feel stupid of just repeating it.

骑自行车或滑旱冰也变得没意思了。Riding my bike or skating alone was no fun.

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他们总在犯同样的错误,太没意思了。They make the same mistakes, so uncreative.

他老是使用双关语,我觉得很没意思。Hes always punning and I dont find it funny.

我觉得它很没意思,一点现实感都没有。I think it is very dull, without any real sense.

你知道我想什么。我想踢足球没意思。You know what I think . I think football's boring.

但韩女士还是觉得周末很没意思。Han always feels like she has had a boring weekend.

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我们一年一次的美国文物旅行没意思吗?。Tell me that our yearly Americana road trip isn't fun.

要不就是iphone酒呀和在部队那点事,真没意思。Things like iPhones and wine and serving in the military.

杰姆觉得跟他磨嘴皮子没意思,于是便不再做声了。Jem decided there was no point in quibbling and was silent.

和你在一起没意思。I don't enjoy being with you. We don't have any fun anymore.

太没意思了,幸亏我奶奶在家陪我。Too boring, and thanks to my grandmother to stay home with me.

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我觉得做垃圾站吧,赚点小钱,没意思。I feel to do rubbish to stand, gain bit of penny, uninteresting.

和鄙吝鬼一起出门吃饭真没意思。Itwouls dull or boring to go out to dinner with a poor costskdined.

但韩女士还是觉得周末很没意思。But even so, Ms. Han always feels like she has had a boring weekend.

说分就分。理由就是在一起没意思,谁会相信。Said sub-sub. Reason that together meaningless, who would believe that.

但总是这样写,也太没意思了,我就是我,黄矿岩总是有点不安分的。But I am who I am. Kuangyan Huang always has a bit of discontent in him.

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但是对于鲍勃•萨格来说,这样获得消息太没意思了。But for Bob Sugg , that was too uninteresting a way of learning the new.

但对于鲍勃·萨格来说,这样获得消息太没意思了。But for Bob Sugg , that was too uninteresting a way of learning the news.

如果人们不能看着球在运动员中传递,那就没意思了。If people cannot see the ball come-and-go between players, it is not funny.