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饥不择食。英语格言大全。Beggars must be no choosers.

饥不择食。A hungry person is not choosy about his food.

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萨姆,生活就是个自助餐厅。特西是个饥不择食的姑娘。Sam, life's a cafeteria . Tessie's a hungry girl.

很可能是由于饥饿,它才这么饥不择食的。The moose probably did what she did because she was desperate for food.

但是饥不择食,就把马肉煮熟了夹着当地做的火烧吃了。But beggars can, put the cooked horse meat sandwiched local fire did eat.

饥不择食的亚马逊角蛙能长到一个小盘子那么大。Indiscriminate eaters, Amazon horned frogs can grow to about the size of a small plate.

返城民工的短缺使得这周的招募工人变得饥不择食。The dearth of returning migrants set off a desperate scramble this week to recruit workers.

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然而从你内心来讲,其实你并不想被当作一个饥不择食地找女人的男人,实际情况通常也是这样。Now this might often be true, but ideally, you don't want to come off as a guy who's hunting for women.

要是我的体重有一千磅,而吃的只有一些草莓,我也会饥不择食。If I weighed a thousand pounds and had only small berries to eat, I would be keen to supplement my diet, too.

我饿了两天了。虽然只有一个冷馒头,也不错了。不管怎么说,饥不择食么。I have been hungry for two days. The cold steamed bread is better than nothing. Anyway, beggars can't be choosers.

这个能源“饥渴”的亚洲国家已是饥不择食,只要哪里有原材料,就往哪里冲,哪管。The resource-hungry Asian country gets its raw materials from wherever it can, and asks few questions along the way.

事实上北极熊是凶猛的野生动物,在无冰的夏季,北极熊会因难以觅食而变得饥不择食。The truth was that polar bears are ferocious wild animals and can become desperate for food in the ice-free summer months.

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一只饥不择食的蜂虎鸟,两头在雪地里相互抵角的长毛野牛,以及在一片原始湖泊中齐舞的鹈鹕们,它们有什么共同点吗?What do a peckish bee-eater, shaggy bison going head-to-head in snow and pelicans dancing in a pristine lake all have in common?

而她最喜欢的“美食”是石头和树枝,有人看到她饥不择食的吃下整个砖头,“仿佛那是块巧克力饼干”。While her favourite delicacies are rocks and sticks, Natalie has been known to wolf down almost a whole brick, "like it was a chocolate chip cookie".

1980年的一份以色列情报书将约旦国王描述为“一个被困于桥中央的人,桥的两端是熊熊燃烧的大火,而桥下的河水中则是饥不择食的鳄鱼群”。An Israeli intelligence report in 1980 described the king as "a man trapped on a bridge burning at both ends, with crocodiles in the river beneath him".

山羊群还给山脉带来了其他变化。这些贪婪的饥不择食的啃草族,使得森林的再生速度大大减缓。And these goat herds have brought other changes to the hills. Voracious and indiscriminate eaters, their grazing dramatically slows the regeneration of the forests.

盘中可以看出,各路资金对于指标股有点饥不择食,而且胆子比较大,不太在乎下跌风险,有的甚至敢于单边打涨停。After we can see that the various indicators of capital stock for a bit , and more timid, do not care about downside risk, and some even dare to fight unilateralism trading.

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不吃早餐,你的身体都在勉强运作直到中午你饿得饥不择食吃下许多更油腻更甜的不健康食品。Without breakfast, your body is running on fumes until you are so hungry at lunchtime that you eat whatever unhealthy thing you can find. The fattier and sugarier, the betterier.

接到报案的俄罗斯官员称,经历了一个炙热的夏天,熊变得饥不择食,才会跑去挖坟吃尸体。Russian bears have become so desperate for food after a scorching summer that they have started digging up and eating corpses in municipal cemeteries, according to alarmed officials.

政府的处理程序越死板,那些饥不择食的报导者就越会为了点内幕而发生真正的冲突,就像美国民主党“老战士”,前任党主席唐·福勒的看法。The more freeze-dried the official proceedings, the hungrier reporters get for raw meat, real conflict, which has Democratic veterans like former party chairman Don Fowler looking a little drawn.