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山崩挟带下大量的碎岩石。A landslide brings down tons of debris.

山崩地裂水倒流。Landslide ground crack water flow back.

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山崩川竭。The mountain fell down and the river dried up.

山崩使山泳的一侧变得陡峭了。The landslides have steepened the mountain sides.

传奇它一晃动尾巴就会山崩海啸。It is a legend would be a landslide tsunami wave tail.

太常下雨便会有山崩的问题。Landslides are a common problem when it rains too often.

即使山崩地裂,我们决不后退。We will never flinch in the face of earthquake or landslide.

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受到这种山崩海啸般的支持——仿佛整个世界都属于我。To feel that sort of support — it just meant the world to me.

岩崩,或叫山崩,可能是冰崩的一部分。A rock avalanche, or landslide, may be partly an ice avalanche.

山崩地裂吧!也许中国一半的人口会同时往下跳!Landslide! Maybe half their population jumped at the same time!

远离山崩或土石流的路径可以救你一命。Staying out of the path of a landslide or debris flow saves lives.

山崩会从坡面带来大量的石块、泥土或破瓦残砾。In a landslide, masses of rock, earth, or debris move down a slope.

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而这次的山崩是至今为止观察到的最剧烈的“火星事件”。However the landslides are the most violent events ever observed in progress.

远离山崩或土石流的路径是你最佳的保护。Getting out of the path of a landslide or debris flow is your best protection.

这只恐龙可能是在不注意时被山崩活埋。This dinosaur was probably buried alive in a landslide that caught it off guard.

山区里的路已经被地震和山崩严重破坏Roads in the mountainous area have been badly damaged by earthquake and landslides.

救援机构将建立警报系统,警告人们可能发生的洪水和山崩。Aid agencies will reinforce systems to warn people of impending floods and landslides.

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现代山崩滑坡和地裂陷,是渭河盆地极其严重的山地灾害之一。Modern collapse-landslide and ground subsidence are very serious hazards in Weihe basin.

翠华山可分为两个地区,山崩景观区和崩塌形成区。Cuihua Mountain can be divided into two areas, the Landslide area and the Developed area.

这些“树木”的真实面孔是火星春天冰层融化时造成山崩、从而产生的碎片痕迹。The "trees" are really trails of debris caused by landslides as ice melts in Mars's spring.