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加上天山雪莲配制而成。Plus the Lotus from Tin Shan.

究竟亚贡雪莲果的果实是什么味道的呢?What does yacon tuber taste like?

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我想知道你们是否有雪莲牌羊毛衫?I wonder if you stock any Xuelian sweater.

她表示自己喜欢种植雪莲等较小的鳞茎植物。She says she enjoys planting smaller ones like snowdrop bulbs.

新疆雪莲维药生物工程有限公司。Xinjiang Snowlotus Uyger Medicine Biological Engineering Co. , Ltd.

形状犹如珠海雪莲般,是您值得一品的绿茶精品。The shape is like a zhuhai snow lotus, is your worth a green tea products.

干制秘鲁亚贡雪莲果片-完美的“嗜甜人们的攻击”的小吃。Dried, Peruvian Yacon Slices -- Perfect for that "sweet tooth-attack" snack.

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以雪莲果、芦荟两种汁液为主要原料,生产复合果酒。Making the composites ratafia, depend on mainly raw material Yacon and aloe.

以雪莲果叶为原料,采用醇提方法提取其多酚物质。In this study, yacon leaves were used as raw material to extract polyphenols.

雪莲果干燥叶经加工后,能起到降低血脂的作用。Yacon leaf drying after processing, can play a role in lowering blood lipids.

换言之,亚贡雪莲果块茎的血糖指数非常低和所含卡路里是极少的。In other words, yacon tuber has a very low glycemic index and very few calories.

北京生产的“雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系采用优质的山羊绒作原料制成。"Snow Lotus" Cashmere Sweater from Beijing are made from superior cashmere fibre.

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如果你觉得这还不满足的话,亚贡雪莲果块茎还可以给你的身体提供人体生理所需的20种氨基酸。As if that's not enough, the tuber can give your body a great balance of 20 amino acids.

鲍雪莲做了20年业务员,过去一般只在出货前去工厂验一下货。Bao Xuelian had 20 years of sales, domestic shipments in the past only to factory inspection.

初步研究表明,水母雪莲细胞培养物对高脂大鼠具有调血脂的作用。The present study showed that CCSM has blood lipid regulating effects on hyperlipidemic rats.

建立了HSCCC分离新疆雪莲黄酮类化合物的溶剂体系。The solvent system used for separating flavonoids in S. involucrata was established by HSCCC.

北京生产的“雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选优质的中国山羊作原料制成。"Snow Lotus" Cashmeres Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese goat cashmere fiber.

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不过实际上吃亚贡雪莲果块是满足爱吃甜食品的你的健康的一种途径。However, the best part is that yacon tuber is actually a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

培养条件的优化可有效提高雪莲悬浮细胞的生长和总黄酮的合成。Cell growth and flavonoids production in the suspention of S. involucrate culture cell should be optimized.

目的验证唐古特雪莲的抗炎镇痛作用。Objective objective To investigate the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of TibetanSaussurea Involucrate.