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你将间隔填补上了You fill in the gap.

它不在这段间隔时间。It is nowhere on this interval.

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调度程序流程检查间隔Dispatcher process check interval

假日太少,而且间隔很长。Holidays are few and far between.

间隔时间学习法使你有时间遗忘知识。Spacing gives you time to forget.

男人不想到性的时间间隔不会长于7秒钟Men Think About Sex Every 7 Seconds

按指定时间间隔重复发生。Recur at a specified time interval.

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记忆跳越时间间隔。The mind leaps an interval of time.

对修约间隔亦有论述。Rounding interval is also discussed.

时间强化则是间隔一定时间才给予奖励。An interval is over a period of time.

给予2周的时间间隔三剂。Give three doses at 2-week intervals.

最小超时时间间隔已经过去。The minimum time-out interval elapses

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树应间隔几米种一棵。Trees should be planted every few meters.

树应间隔几米种一棵?。Trees should be planted every few metres.

不为零的无穷小时间间隔infinitesimal interval of time not yet 0.

它的更新间隔甚至缩短到了一天。Its update interval could even be one day.

那就是为什么等高线图是均匀间隔线的排列的。That's why the contours are evenly spaced.

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中间只少要间隔二小时。There is an interval of two hours at least.

迭代之间应该没有时间间隔。There should be no time between iterations.

这些名词意思是短暂的时间间隔。These nouns denote a brief interal of time.