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这种做法已经蔚然成风。This has become a fairly common practice.

参与标准化工作在濮院蔚然成风。Participation in standardization work in PUYUAN prevail.

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我希望男女机会平等的风气能够蔚然成风。I hope equality of opportunity for men and women is here to stay.

钻研业务已蔚然成风。To improve one's professional skill has now become a common practice.

而很显然,不合理的财务行为蔚然成风。and apparently irrational financial behavior becomes the order of the day.

厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风。Cooperation and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day.

厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风。Co-ordination and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day.

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厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风。Coordination and mutual help between factories have become the order of the day.

不论怎么说,在影视剧中植入广告现已蔚然成风。Whatever the case is, ads planted in TV dramas and films are the order of the day.

东南亚华文女性写作近年来已蔚然成风并产生一定影响。Female Chinese writing in Southeast Asia has greatly increased in the recent years.

在亚洲和美国,不屑一顾于欧洲的衰落已经蔚然成风。In Asia and America it has become fashionable to look upon these failings with disdain.

甚至与人分享而非奇货可居,关爱他人而非炫耀自我有可能蔚然成风。Sharing instead of hoarding, and caring instead of flaunting may even become fashionable.

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当敬老、养老蔚然成风时,各个年龄层的人都会有一种安全感。All people will feel safety when the respecting and careing old men as a social activties.

说到底,在当今这个博客和推特蔚然成风的世界里,曾经的联邦作家项目还能有什么作为呢?Does a Federal Writers Project even make sense today, in a world of bloggers and tweeters?

2004年,北京市发起了征集新童谣的活动,使绿色童谣的推广蔚然成风。After collection of new nursery rhymes in Beijing, 2004, "Green Nursery Rhymes" has extended.

电脑生成的形象在电子游戏、广告及电影制作中亦蔚然成风。Computer generated images are becoming trends in electronic games advertising and film production.

让创新贯穿党和国家一切工作,让创新在全社会蔚然成风。Innovation should permeate all work of the Party and the country and become an inherent part of society.

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然而强势的党文化力量使得“新杂文”并没有蔚然成风,最终革命内部批评成为杂文创作的畏途。While the stronger Party culture make the writers were afraid to criticize the revolution in their essays.

当敬老、养老蔚然成风时,各个年龄层的人都会有一种安全感。When respecting and supporting old has became fashion, peoples of all age levels will have a sense of safty.

当时,反越战示威,即“宣讲会”等活动在全国的大学校园里蔚然成风。At the time, anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, called "teach-ins", had spread to college campuses all across the nation.