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每逢假日,人们扶老携幼来此游览,或聚会、或野餐、或游泳。On holidays, whole families will come and have an outing here, chatting, picnicking or having a dip in the river.

因此,每到除夕,村村寨寨的人们便扶老携幼,逃往深山,以躲避“年”的伤害。Therefore, every New Year's Eve, people young and old in the open air, fled to the mountains to escape ", " harm.

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喜庆热闹的庆祝活动开始了,人们扶老携幼地来看杨家班最精彩的高台花灯表演。Festive celebrations began, the most wonderful people help the aged and the young class lantern show high Yang view.

我们衷心的感谢扶老携幼,千里迢迢也要赶来参与实践一年一度盛事的朋友、家人和支持伙伴!We're really thankful for all our friends, families, and supporters who came down to join in the fun and share our joy.

因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。Therefore, every New Year's Eve that day, the village young people Walled villages fled to the mountains, to escape the "year" animal damage.

因此每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山以躲避它的伤害。Therefore, people in different village or urban area will take old people and kids fled to mountains in order to escape it harm during this period of time.

驱车百里,扶老携幼,街谈巷议,经久不息的谢幕掌声,蔚为大观,宛若中国文化的一次盛大庆典。Drove Barry young and old, town talk and unremitting applause for the curtain call, could fill volumes, just like in a grand celebration of Chinese culture. The U.

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他们扶老携幼,长途跋涉,在深夜越过一道道河流,在横渡北大西洋时历尽艰险,有时需要辗转数月。The journey could take months, as families crossed rivers in the dead of night, traveled miles by foot, endured a rough and dangerous passage over the North Atlantic.

羊城人们一向喜欢到此登高游览,尤其在九九重阳,更以登白云山为乐事,每逢此时,扶老携幼,人流熙熙攘攘的热闹场景便构成羊城一幅独特的风情画。Hiking and climbing on the White Cloud Mountain is a tradition for Guangzhou citizens, especially on the Double Ninth Day when streams of bustling tourists form a unique picture of Guangzhou City.

到了晚上,我们又结伴去看烟花,一路上人们扶老携幼,他们兴高采烈的边说边笑,从四面八方汇聚在一起观赏焰火晚会,共度激情夜晚。In the evening, we go to watch the fireworks, people could all the way, they are cheerful, , talking and laughing together from all directions to watch the fireworks party, spend the night passion.