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我整晚翻来覆去。I tossed and turned all ngiht.

我整晚翻来覆去。I tossed and turned all night.

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她翻来覆去地睡不着。She tossed restlessly in her sleep.

患者翻来覆去,痛苦难耐。The patient lashed about in great pain.

当然你不要自个把事情翻来覆去地想个不停。And certainly don't ruminate on your own.

这恰好给我更多的时间翻来覆去。It just gave me more time to toss and turn.

但是东想西想,急躁地翻来覆去终夜不能入眠。He tossed fretfully and could not get to sleep.

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阅读信上的字句,一张薄纸在手中翻来覆去。as you read and turn the thin message in your hands.

那天晚上,小男孩失望极了,翻来覆去怎么也睡不着。That night, the boy couldn’t sleep for disappointment.

我谛听着,翻来覆去,终于穿上衣服下了楼。I listened, and tossed about, and, finally, dressed and descended.

年成无论好坏,我电邮里总有些翻来覆去的提问。Some refrains occur over and over in my e-mail, no matter what the year.

近两周来我一直在翻来覆去地思考这两个问题。I’ve been turning over these questions in my head for the past two weeks.

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拿着电视遥控器翻来覆去地换台,不如今天就报个德语口语班。Take the TV remote control over change channels as a German newspaper today oral class.

在过去的7年中我注意到,错误的看法在这些大机构里翻来覆去地出现。Over the last 7 years, I have noticed certain recurring misconceptions among these organizations.

英国一项研究显示,英国母亲不愿在厨房创新,一般翻来覆去只做9种菜肴。The average British mother relies on just 9 different meals to feed her family, a study has found.

可能!拿着电视遥控器翻来覆去地换台,不如今天就报个德语口语班。Impossible! Take the TV remote control over change channels as a German newspaper today oral class.

夜里,王子尚翻来覆去睡不着,吴冠志却不懂其想法。Tossed and turned at night, the prince is still can not sleep, Wu Guanzhi dont understand the idea.

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你得控制你的思想,你的思想不该像海浪般翻来覆去。You must control your thinking. Your thoughts cannot be tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea.

在嘴里翻来覆去地咀嚼,希望这些奇怪的东西自己消失,这种做法是没有用的。Mumbling them around your gums in a mealy-mouthed fashion and hoping they'll go away will get you nowhere.

第二天我肯定会筋疲力尽,但是总比躺在床上翻来覆去左思右想睡不着的好。I'm exhausted the next day, of course, but it feels better than spending hours in bed awake and ruminating.