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一个失传了的古字。PROFIT-An archaic word no longer in use.

再现了许多已失传的典籍。To re-discover many lost classical documents.

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我国有些古代科学著作已经失传。Some scientific books of ancient China have been lost.

我担心传统武术会慢慢失传。I worry that is how the traditional styles will be lost.

这本词话现在已经失传了,真是可惜。It is a pity that this novel has been lost to the world.

一旦语言灭绝,全部文化也将就此失传。With the extinction of a language, an entire culture is lost.

切尔克斯人能够在YouTube网上找到他们失传已久的音乐与舞蹈。Circassians can find their long-lost music and dance on YouTube.

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花竹帽这项传统手工艺如今濒临失传。Nowadays, the traditional crafts of bamboo hat has endangered lost.

但是另外还有30种传统乐器已经失传了。But there are 30 other traditional instruments that we've already lost.

从此,陈氏108式长拳在陈氏家族中就渐渐失传了。After that, the Chen-style Changquan 108 Forms was lost in Chen's family.

这些颜料可能一直被运用在人体彩绘和长久失传的艺术品上。The paint may have been used for body adornment or for long-gone artwork.

他们最近找回了失传已久的技术。They have recently restored a technique that has been lost for a long time.

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人们以为所有原始的手稿复件都失传了。All copies of the original collection of laws werethought to have been lost.

印度的梵文经典已经散佚失传了,残留下来的很少。However, the Indian Sanskrit versions have been largely lost with few remaining.

他们听到记录下来的故事─多半是失传已久的语言所述说的故事。They listen to recordings – often in indigenous languages no longer widely spoken.

有时她讲希腊文,有时咕哝拉丁语,有时听起来又象是某山区部落经已失传的方言。Sometimes she spoke Greek, or guttural Latin, or the lost tongues of mountain hordes.

第四章,呼麦艺术濒临失传的原因及传承保护。Charpter four, the reasons of Humai's closed-disappearance and inheritance protection.

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随着现代工业的发展,很多传统工艺已失传了。With the development of modern industry, many of the traditional crafts have died out.

以舞者的身份出现了,跳起神话中已经失传的黑鹤之舞。U was dancing with a black crane, while the other fairies were playing a long lost melody.

但是他们中的大多数都害怕失去对产品的控制,一些专业技能在意大利会失传。But most fear a loss of control over the product and the demise of critical skills in Italy.