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我最喜欢的音乐是摇滚,我最喜欢的乐队是活结。This dark color would calm me down. I like rock music the most.

文中主要介绍了活结头的结构设计、主要研制工艺和实验情况。This paper describes the structure design, manufacturing process and the performance.

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了解如何使用一个活结,然后再开始投如何编织在这个免费的在线教学视频针织。Learn how to cast on using a slipknot before you start knitting in this free online instructional video on how to knit.

接着我们就要用活结把选中的树枝固定在用线弄好的支架上,要用有弹性的线才不会妨碍它们的生长。Then we set about fixing the chosen branches along the wires with Flexi-Tie, an elastic string which allows for growth.

铸铁法兰对管道活结和配件要求达到最小化,可提供简便的安装和保养。The cast iron flanges minimize the need of pipe unions and fittings while offering ease of installation and maintenance.

吃过晚饭后凯蒂会给他看她百衲被上的新布片,那是送冰人从他的活结领带末端剪下来给她的。After dinner Katy would show him the new patch in her crazy quilt that the iceman had cut for her off the end of his four-in-hand.

以活结结扎左冠状动脉的前降支,分别造成阻断冠脉血流和再灌注。Ligate the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery with slipknot to block the blood flow and reperfuse the myocardium.

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秉承客家人勤劳质朴的优良品格,自小便与砍柴、耕作等诸多农家活结下不解之缘。As a typical Hakka, he is diligent and simple minded. When he was a child, he started to do farm work like cutting firewood and plowing.

以活结结扎左冠状动脉的前降支,分别造成阻断冠脉血流和再灌注。The anterior descending branches of the left coronary artery was ligated with slipknot to block the blood flow and reperfuse the myocardium.

在水手活结的状况,有所谓扭曲的地形学,跟前面一个结的状况比较起来,后者仅仅是生命实存的一个活结。In the case of the sailor's knots, there is what might be called a topology of twisting compared to the preceding one, which is simply one of being.

于是这个杀人犯就把活结放在自己头顶上,但是活结还没能滑到腋下,他回头看了一下屋顶,恐惧地大叫起来,“她的眼睛!The killer then put the noose over his head. But before he could slip it under his arms, he looked behind him on the roof and cried out in fright, 'Her eyes!

你们立刻会看出,我能够毫无困难地在任何一边从事这种运作,使用世界的所有绳之环,制作许多我喜欢的水手活结。You immediately see that I can, without any difficulty, pursue the operation on either side by making as many sailor's knots as I like, with all the rings of string in the world.