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我给某人打电话。I'll ring sb. up.

向某人提供谋事的详情。Fill sb in on sth.

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让某人不要做某事。Let sb not do sth.

想要某人做谋事。Want sb to do sth.

某人做某事的时间到了。It's time to do sth.

表示“禁止某人做某事”。forbid do sth.

做某事是适合于某人的。Doing sth. is for sb.

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我和某人结束关系了。I am through with sb.

我不同意某人的看法。I don't agree with sb.

为某人量尺寸。Take one's measurement.

他们肯定属于某人。They belong to someone.

夸耀某人的成功。Vaunt of one's success.

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焚烧某人的肖像以泄恨。Burn a person in effigy.

感谢某人做某事。Thank sb. for doing sth.

使某人获得一位支持者。To gain sb. a supporter.

这个“某人”可是你?was taht "somebody "you?

向某人致敬。Pay one's respects to sb.

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伤风使某人失去辨别滋味的能力。A cold dulls sb. 's taste.

也是阻止某人做某事的意思。A stop sb. from doing sth.

把某人的履历用电子邮件发给…E-mail one's resume to sb.