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大多数人的饮食含有大量的糖类。Most people\'s diets have plenty of sweets.

最大的挑战就是拒绝吃糖类。The biggest challenge is cutting out sugar.

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就是消耗糖类和碳水化合物。The consumption of sugars and carbohydrates.

糖类则会阻碍促食素的释放。Sugar, however, blocked the release of orexin.

不要吃太多糖类食品和淀粉。Try not to overdo it on the sugars and starch.

产品已经广泛被应用在糖类,饮料类食品中。It has been used in candy, drinks and beer brewage.

其血凝素受体为糖类。The receptor for hemagglutinin may be a carbohydrate.

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我们从碳水化合物,即糖类开始Let's start with carbohydrates. Sugars, in other words.

菌株对糖类物质的趋化性最弱。The strains showed no chemotaxis toward the carbohydrates.

糖类存在于很多你意想不到的食物中There's sugar in a lot of foods where you don't expect it.

糖类基生物材料的分子结构。Molecular structure of saccharide-based biological materials.

论文第三章分析了天然药物中的糖类组分。Pharmaceutical analysis is an important part of analytical chemistry.

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你的运动强度越大,热量消耗中糖类所占的比例越高。The more intensely you exercise, the higher proportion of carbs you burn.

那我们是过多还是过少地,摄入了这些不同类别的糖类呢Are we eating too much or too little of these different classes of sugars?

确保孩子在饮食上得到足够的蛋白质和糖类。Make sure your child gets enough protein and carbohydrates in their diets.

而且,核酸、糖类与脂质类材料也会包括在内。Also, nucleic acid, saccharide, and lipid-based materials will be included.

它包含着氨基酸、糖类和其他有机物等构成生命的物质。It being the stuff of life—amino acids, sugars and other organic molecules.

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可溶性纤维会降低你的糖类摄入速度。Soluble fiber is the kind that slows down the rate of absorption of sugars.

每日膳食指南通过鉴定脂肪一糖类确认了这一点。The Daily Food Guide acknowledges this by identifying the fat-sweets group.

近年来,低糖类食品越来越受到人们的青睐。In recent years, low saccharide food more and more get the favour of people.