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原子摆动。Atoms wiggle.

原子间距。Atomic spacing.

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它丢失了一个原子。It loses an ion.

可能这里有一个原子。Might be an atom there.

卢瑟福叫道,‘原子已经被分裂了!The atom has been split!

氩是单原子气体。Argon is a monatomic gas.

这是一个双原子分子。It is a diatomic molecule.

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它是一个单电子原子。It is a one electron atom.

原子物理是我的专业。Nuclear Physics is my major.

这里有一个单电子原子。This is a one electron atom.

这是原子轨道。So these are atomic orbitals.

或原子之间互不相干?What does it mean, ideal gas?

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薛定谔的原子一定会衰变。Schrodinger's atom will decay.

我想学原子物理。I want to study atomic physics.

现代原子理论是有缺陷?Is modern atomic theory flawed?

也就是说对于一个给定的原子。That is to say in a given atom.

能容纳4个原子成键。CH4 is sp3 carbon hybridization.

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原子中心的电荷为e的Z倍。This is Z times e in the center.

这是每个原子所具有的电子伏特。This is electron volts per atom.

好,我可以在这里放一个原子。Well, I could put atom one here.