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和风细雨的季节又来了。The season comes in a gentle and mild way.

当然,随之而来的也是和风细雨。Of course, the attendant is sweetness and light.

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爱情需要和风细雨,但审计必须快马加鞭。But love is a breeze compared to accelerating an audit.

哲人哲语,犹如和风细雨,滋润心田!Sage-chul language, like a gentle and mild way, moisture Xintian!

短暂的寒假已经结束,我们在和风细雨中迎来了新的学期。Short winter break is over, we ushered in the sweetness of the new semester.

喜欢聆听母亲和风细雨的唠叨,喜欢感悟母亲丰富多彩的情感世界。Like to listen to his mother's gentle nagging , like a variety of emotional sentiment mother world.

和风细雨过后却是赤地千里,这恐怕是更深的伤、更大的痛。Hot weather follows the gentle wind and mild rain, I am afraid this pain will be more deep and strong.

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落寞之余,还是听出了母亲言辞里的骄傲与喜悦,母亲的喜悦如一阵和风细雨播撒在了我的心田,让我的忧伤一扫而光。Lonely I, or listen to the words in the mother 's pride and joy, the joy of a mother as a spread on my heart, let me make a clean sweep of the sadness.

本周李宁面向跑鞋市场推出的产品,则是李宁试图在美国占有一席之地的重要战略性举措,当然,这种举措更多还是和风细雨般的推进,而非大张旗鼓的进军。Its launch this week into the running-shoe market, an important strategic step for a company trying to gain a foothold here, comes with more of a whisper than a grand pronouncement.

处理人民内部的矛盾,必须坚持和风细雨的方法,坚持“团结——批评——团结”的方法。It is essential to persist in using methods as mild as a drizzle and as gentle as a breeze, and to adhere to the formula of "unity—criticism—unity", in dealing with contradictions among the people.