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想要一些异国风情吗?Want something a bit more exotic?

我喜欢去一些异国风情的地方。I like to travle to exotic places.

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你看到那边那个辣妹异国?。Did you see that hottie over there?

我的传教士屹立异国之疆场!My missionaries in a foreign field.

在这里他异国什么真正的朋侪。He doesn't have any real friends here.

你会陷入异国恋吗?Will you fall in love with a foreigner?

除了傻瓜外异国人愿干如许的事。No one but a fool would do such a thing.

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但是,虽然身处异国仍然有很多移居国外的人会浪费这种机会。But many expats still waste the opportunity.

没有,我从未去有异国情调的地方度过假。No, I have never vacationed anywhere exotic.

很长时候异国和汤母取得关联了。It is along time not to get in touch with Tom.

但是他们有着另类的异国情调。But they are consistently exotic, always other.

对我们的传统绘画,他是异国的知音。To our traditional painting, he is exotic Salon.

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异国了解放的意志还能够是一个纯厚的人吗?Is a person capable of goodness without free will?

它被富有异国情调的命名为“涂鸦”和“紫色角。It is exotically named "graffiti" and "purple cape.

这部电影保存了原着的许多异国情调。The film retains much of the book's exotic flavour.

峇里岛是我去过最充满异国情调的地方。The most exotic place I have ever visited was Bali.

这位作者吹嘘了他的异国之旅。This author romanced his trip to an exotic country.

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远洲异国的水汽,乘风来到这里。Vapours from other continent arrived upon the wind.

泰文和东方异国情调交叉缝合设计。PINN , Thai and Oriental exotic cross stitch design.

关于内克尔的步伐,是热带,异国情调的氛围。On Necker, the pace is tropical, the ambience exotic.