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愿你被赐予飞翔的翅翼。May you be bestowed pennons to fly with.

如何以广展的翅翼飞过玄虚的高空。Passed on wide pinion through the lofty air.

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构成昆虫翅翼的膜既薄又坚韧。Insects have thin wings made of tough membranes.

这里只有你本身的一双翅翼和无路的天空。There is only your own pair of wings and the pathless sky.

驼鸟的翅翼鼓舞,牠的翼翎和羽毛岂表示慈爱?Can the wing of the ostrich be compared with the plumage of the stork or falcon?

因为在春天繁花盛开,蜜蜂的忙碌的翅翼也彼此摩挤。For in the springtime flowers come in crowds, and the busy wings of bees jostle each other.

翅翼带有斑点的雄果蝇在跳舞求偶时,会刻意展示斑点给雌果蝇看。In wing-spotted species, the male displays his spots to the female as he courts her with a dance.

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新技术技术使科学家们能够详细研究昆虫如何飞行以及它们翅翼的构造。New technology allows scientists to study how an insect flies and the design of its wings in detail.

传统上,这些翅翼的制造过程相当费时,需要不断地出错重试。Traditionally, the manufacturing process for these wings is time-consuming and a case of trial and error.

我们就是那些无翅的小鸟,我们的工作和职务是上帝替我们预备带领我们向天的翅翼。We are the wingless birds, and our duties and tasks are the pinions God has made to lift us up and carry us heavenward.

一道闪电划过长空,宛如横空飞过的闪着磷光的翅翼,随即,空中滚过了隆隆的沉雷。A light flapped OVER the scene, as if reflected from phosphorescent wings crossing the sky, and a rumble filled the air.

那些翅翼完全没有斑点的果蝇,整个翅翼Yellow蛋白质浓度都很低,只会制造微量的黑色素。In unspotted species, Yellow is made only at low levels throughout the wing, generating just a light dusting of black pigment.

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很多中国消费者不知道鱼翅汤就是来自鲨鱼,因为从字面上翻译的意思,是“翅翼汤”。Most Chinese consumers don’t know that shark fin soup contains shark, because the translation literally means, "fish wing soup".

读者,这是一个比喻,我们就是那些无翅的小鸟,我们的工作和职务是神替我们预备带领我们向天的翅翼。It is a parable. We are the wingless birds, and our duties and tasks are the pinions God has made to lift us up and carry us heavenward.

本文从仿生飞行的历史与现状出发,论述了国内、外各类仿生扑翼飞行器翅翼驱动方式的研究状况。Based on the history and the state of the bionics flying, the driving mode about the wing for the bionics flapping aerocraft is discussed at home and abroad.

作为其主要部件之一的翅翼机构,其动态性能对微扑翼飞行器的飞行和稳定性将会产生直接的影响。As one of most important components of the FWMA, the dynamic behaviors of the flapping-wing mechanism directly affect on the flight and the stability of the FWMA.

我们发现这些种在斑点处的翅翼细胞会制造大量的Yellow蛋白质,而其馀的翅翼细胞则只有少量。We have found that in spotted species, the Yellow protein is produced at very high levels in the cells that will make the spot and at low levels in the rest of the wing cells.

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然而,快速成形技术的迅猛发展大大提高了翅翼设计的可能性,完全能够复制真实昆虫的翅翼形状,事实上可以刻画任何形状。However, advances in rapid prototyping have greatly expanded the possibilities for wing design, allowing wing shapes to replicate those of real insects or virtually any other shape.

她把所有的飞猴都召到她的面前,起初她说,它们的翅翼必须捆绑着,必须像他们对待奎拉拉那样地受惩罚,被抛落在江水中。She had all the Winged Monkeys brought before her, and she said at first that their wings should be tied and they should be treated as they had treated Quelala, and dropped in the river.

在此基础上,以翅翼的展弦比和翅脉关键点的坐标为主要参数,使用有限元优化方法,对仿生翅翼的模态优化进行了初步探讨。In the foundation of the biomimetic wing′s model, the modal optimization method was studied, considering different parameters such as aspect ratio and key node coordinates of wing′s nervure.