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投资者希望能发一笔横财。Investors are hoping for a windfall.

我从足球比赛赌博中发了一笔横财。I had a windfall from the football pools.

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“这是一宗交通意外横财,”李说。"It was a traffic-accident windfall, " Lee says.

财运方面有点小横财,不妨买点六合彩。Wealth has little fortune, u might buy some lottery.

你有大把的时间去花未来某天降临的横财。You’ll have plenty of time to spend future windfalls.

但苏联垮了之后,他返回故乡基辅,靠倒卖锰材发了横财,他是多伦多最有钱的俄罗斯移民之一。He was one of the richest Russian immigrants in Toronto.

有些人说他们将用这笔“飞来横财”买彩票。Some of them said they'd buy a lottery ticket with the cash.

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非洲的种子对孟山都公司的投资是一笔潜在的横财。Africa's seeds are a potential windfall investment for Monsanto.

不会,不过那肯定会让中国的足病医生发一笔横财。No, but it sure would create a windfall for Chinese podiatrists.

即使是1,000英镑的小小横财也有效果。We have found effects from even tiny windfalls of 1, 000 pounds.

但是天降横财会让一个意志软弱的糊涂虫生活失衡,甚至有可能会毁他一生。A sudden windfall may unbalance a weaker, less intelligent person and even ruin his life.

钱让人情绪激动,债使人寝食难安,横财令人兴奋不已,许多人采用购物疗法来寻找安慰。A windfall is exciting. And many people dose up on retail therapy, shopping to feel better.

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而抢劫地方银行的劫匪只是乐观的期待有几万美元的横财。The local bank robber optimistically expects a windfall in the tens of thousands of dollars.

但是支持者们将彩票私营化当作是危机时期的一笔数十亿美元的横财,他们也许会再进行一次尝试。But backers see a multibillion-dollar windfall in tough times, and they will likely try again.

他们告诉自己要快速赚钱,总是梦想着天降横财。He tells himself that he has to make money – fast. And he dreams of those "big, juicy mega-bucks."

天文学家认为,星系们狼吞虎咽的结果同时也为黑洞提供了一大笔飞来横财。Astronomers figure that the galaxy gobbling that resulted also served as a gravy train for black holes.

许多乞丐想借这次印度史上最大型的运动会发一笔横财。Many beggars were expecting windfalls from the Games, the largest sporting event yet to be held in India.

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随着在金融危机期间商学院申请量的增加,论文写手获得了一大笔横财。The run up in business school applications during the recession has created a windfall for essay writers.

您不必去学习音乐多年,开始摇滚乐队,你不须花了横财,对齿轮。You don't have to study music for years to start a rockin' band, and you don't have to spend a fortune on gear.

届时,智利将可依靠其积攒的铜矿横财来维持社会项目的运行。Chile will then be able to maintain its social programmes by spending what it has saved from its copper windfall.