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因此,研究凤眼莲凋落物和残体具有十分重要的理论和实际意义。So it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study.

如何对凤眼莲进行防治和资源化利用,已经越来越引起人们的关注。How to control and utilize it as a kind of resource is attracting more and more attention.

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对凤眼莲净化北方地区屠宰厂废水的效果进行了初步研究。The effect of decontaminating waste water of slaughter industry by planting Eichhornia crassipes was studied.

与其它植物秸秆类似,凤眼莲化学成分主要由纤维素、半纤维素和木质素组成。Similar to other plants, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the main chemical constituents of this plant.

采用加热预处理的厌氧活性污泥为接种物,对凤眼莲进行发酵产氢研究。The hydrogen production from hyacinth inoculated with preheated anaerobic active sludge by fermentation was studied.

结果表明凤眼莲对氮污染水体的修复效果要好于紫萼玉簪。The results showed that in nitrogen pollution water, the repair results of Eichhornia crassipes is better than Hosta ventricosa.

然而,就凤眼莲危害的定量研究以及对水生生态系统的影响,尤其对其凋落物和残体,尚缺乏深入系统的研究。Although great advances have been made, they lacked systematic research in both depth and extent, especially study on the litter and residue.

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本文介绍了实验室条件下凤眼莲对含镍废水的净化功能及镍对凤眼莲生长的影响。Under laboratory condition, the purifying function of hyacinth to Ni-polluted waste water and the nickel poisoning effect on hyacinth vegetation were studied.

通过室内试验。分析了在河道种植凤眼莲前后水流时均流速和雷诺应力的变化。Variation of time average velocity and Reynolds stress before and after planting eichhornia crassipe in the watercourse is analyzed based on laboratory experiments.

通过对水生植物凤眼莲和尾矿坝上的植物蜈蚣蕨的分析发现,它们对矿山污染环境中的砷和铜有显著富集作用。It is discovered that the water plants of Euphoria Crassipes and Pteridophy can respectively enrich a great deal of As and Cu in the poisonous environment of gold mine.

试验结果表明,凤眼莲对各向时均流速和雷诺应力的分布影响明显,且不同种植方式的影响程度也不同。Test results show that the eichhornia crassipe has influences on the time average velocity and Reynolds stress, and different cropping patterns have different influences.

本文介绍了外来入侵物种凤眼莲对我国江河湖泊造成的危害,分析了造成危害的原因,并提出了现阶段防治对策。This paper introduced the harmfulness of IAS Eichhornia crassipes to rivers, lakes in china, the reasons of harmfulness were analysed, the preventing countermeasures were presented.

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介绍了外来入侵物种凤眼莲对我国江河湖泊造成的危害,分析了造成危害的原因,并提出了现阶段防治对策。The paper introduces the harmfulness of IAS eichhornia crassipes to rivers and lakes of China, analyses the reasons of harmfulness, and then puts forward the preventing countermeasures at present.