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税收改革得到众口一词的称赞。The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.

黑客不傻,而众口一词在他们的世界里是很罕见的现象。Hackers are not stupid, and unanimity is very rare in this world.

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但众口一词与莫衷一是就存在于排他与妥协之间。But between exclusivity and compromise lie consensus and ambivalence.

而此时西方主流媒体造谣和歪曲的众口一词惊醒了国人。Here reports from the main west media all with distorted voice. has surprised us.

现在,请你们万众一心,众口一词地,歌颂称扬上主的圣名。Now therefore with the whole heart and mouth praise ye him, and bless the name of the Lord.

伯南克先生也许会按计划将“量化宽松”贯彻到底,可是众口一词的斥责之声已经造成了危害。Mr Bernanke may plan to stay the course, but the chorus of criticism is already doing damage.

我们相信了他们众口一词的观点,于是我们封了你的访问来避免麻烦。Okay, now we trusted the word what they said at once. So we blocked you to make stay away from the trouble.

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我曾听到大家众口一词地夸赞莫妮卡演得好,但我几乎总是对自己的所闻半信半疑。I heard all the talk about how good she was, but I almost always take everything I hear with a grain of salt.

之所以会众口一词地认为房地产绑架中国经济,是犯了简单的唯数据论的错误。Believe that the real estate had “kidnapped” Chinese economy is actually committing a only-statistics-oriented mistake.

愚人节又称万愚节,曾经有几百暮年的历史了。闭于节日的滥觞,众口一词。此中最为盛行的道法以为愚人节来源于法国。April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others. No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France.

无论什么学者对某一本书说了些什么,无论他们如何众口一词地对它大加称赞,倘若它激不起你的兴趣,那么这本书就与你毫不相干。Whatever the learned say about a book, however unanimous they are in their praise of it,unless it interests you, it is no business of yours.

无论某个学者对某一本书作了什么评价,无论他们如何众口一词地对它大加称赞,倘若它激不起你的兴趣,那么这本书就与你毫不相干。Whatever the learned say about a book, however unanimous they are in their praise of it, unless it interests you, it is no business of yours①.

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中国现代新文学作家对孔子的讨伐几乎众口一词,但林语堂却对孔子颇有好感,且有心悦诚服之意。New Chinese modern literature writers showed no difference when Konfucian was denounced, but Lin Yutang had no opinion being convinced Konfucian.

当然正是这些学生众口一词地说他们打心眼里热爱写作,而这种激情对于选择任何职业都是无懈可击的理由。Of course, these very students are often the ones who say they love to write and that excitement is the ideal reason for choosing any line of work.

小说中关于“在绝对正确的革命之上,还有一个绝对正确的人道主义”的主题在研究、评论中几乎是众口一词的被否定。In this novel, the subject on "above the absolutely correct revolution, there also is an absolutely correct humanism" is negated nearly with one voice.

为了宣扬“穷人的人口理论”,极有性格魅力的特雷萨修女同众口一词的官僚和提倡全球发展的官员展开了斗争。The charismatic Mother Teresa battled faceless bureaucrats and the Mandarins promoting global development to preach the demographics of the dispossessed.

此说不在于客观实际的准确性,而其排次定位的顺序上,几乎反映了众口一词的普遍认同。This is the objective reality of the accuracy of say no, and its position in the order ranked second, almost reflects the unanimous generally recognized.

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尽管布什尽最大努力想要在恐怖主义和伊斯兰信仰之间做出区隔,但是这样的区别却淹没在了保守评论家众口一词的声浪中。And despite Bush's best efforts to separate terrorism from the faith of Islam, a growing chorus of conservative commentators was failing to make any such distinction.

丁梅斯代尔先生教团中的长老、执事、修女,以及年轻貌美的少女们都众口一词地再三要求他对医生自告奋勇的治疗不妨一试。The elders, the deacons, the motherly dames, and the young and fair maidens, of Mr. Dimmesdale's flock, were alike importunate that he should make trial of the physician's frankly offered skill.

一大堆第三等级的思考者,众口一词,籍着自己的偏见温暖双手,他们是不会感激你指出他们信仰中的矛盾的。A crowd of grade-three thinkers, all shouting the same thing, all warming their hands at the fire of their own prejudices, will not thank you for pointing out the contradictions in their beliefs.