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他们会重回旧地,或者走访一些双方共同的朋友。They revisit mutual haunts and mutual friends.

我盯着旧地毯,更狠命地蹂躏我的鞋。I would writhe my shoe some more and stare down at the worn rug.

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时隔多年,旧地重访使人感到很新奇。It feel strange to is visiting the place again after all these year.

时隔多年,旧地重访使人感到很新奇。It feels strange to BE visiting the place again after all these years.

我想告诉大家的是,来这儿对我的意义绝对不仅仅是重回旧地。What I’m trying to tell you, this is WAY more than a homecoming for me.

2008年,在纽约退伍军人纪念日大巡游时,肖恩重温旧地。Shain returned to the scene of the kiss during the New York City Veterans Day parade in 2008.

一切竟如此匪夷所思,一年前未完的故事,神话般的旧地上演。Everything was so fantastic, a year ago, the story of the unfinished mythical pitch performance.

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基本缘由是旧地代码,摆设啦曩昔周末不克不及处置统计表性格准确。Root cause was the old code that deployed past weekend could not handle tab character correctly.

俄国人在浩罕旧地上成立费尔干纳州,建立起殖民机构来进行统治。The Russian established Fergana oblast in Kokand and set up the colonial administration to rule there.

在法国,它在巴黎的总部设立了欧洲文化中心,而这正是法国保险业的巨头法国安盛集团的旧地。In France, it is setting up a European cultural center in its new Paris headquarters, the former home of the insurance giant AXA.

而这点使得普京总理的家具还未全部被搬出去克里姆林宫之前,就已经为普京重返旧地铺平了道路。This helps pave the way for Mr. Putin's return to his old Kremlin office, perhaps even before all the furniture has been moved out.

雅各离家出走时,神在伯特利和他会面,并应许与他同在,现在是雅各重返旧地的时候了。When Jacob left his family home, God met him at Bethel and promised to be with him. Now it was time for Jacob to return to that place.

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旧汽车,车载计较机创造前地工具,都能够正常运用,任何旧地真空管为根底地手艺。Older cars, the models made before onboard computers became standard, will work just fine, as will any old vacuum tube based technology.

她的成员公司,如一格鲁吉亚为基础的界面弗洛尔,把地毯租给顾客,然后修补破损的旧地毯或是回收它们。Member companies like Georgia-based InterFace Flor, lease carpets to consumers, then recover and recycle the used carpeting once it wears out.

20年后,旧地重逢,我们更苍老了,更睿智了,岁月的印记也在我们的脸上和心中留下皱褶。We've been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years ago-older, wiser-with wrinkles on our faces and hearts.

它自己真正的地盘一般都在三楼入口处,那是它吃饭的地方,还有一个给它喝水的小碗,平时它就在那张桌子下面的旧地毡上蜷躺着。His usual spot was by his food and water bowls at the third-floor entrance, where he was often curled up asleep on an old blanket under the desk.

耀邦同志派我夜访的情景又在眼前,一股旧地重寻的念头十分强烈。The scene of Yaobang sending me to investigate in the night pops in front of my eyes again, and that once-visited place comes strongly into focus.

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饶恩培表示已经有人向他提出了要求,例如要他保留监狱的旧床铺以及警局办公室的旧地毯等。Mr. Yiu of the Jockey Club says he has received requests to save items such as the bunk beds in the prison cells and worn carpeting on office floors.

然后黛拉又神经质地飞快地把头发梳起,一度失魂落魄地踉跄了片刻,后又静静地站着听凭一两泪水溅落到红色的旧地毯上。And then she did it up again nervously and quickly. Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.

那张笨重的红木餐桌和那些餐具柜,那块铺在光滑地板上的鲜艳的旧地毯,全都照常摆在原来的地方,就好像什么事也不曾发生似的。The heavy mahogany table and sideboards , the massive silver, the bright rag rugs on the shining floor were all in their accustomed places, just as if nothing had happened.