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此外,甾体激素类使用和违禁药物使用也应当避免。Also, steroid use and illegal drug use should be avoided.

世贸组织裁定,这类贷款属违禁出口补贴。The WTO ruled that the loans were prohibited export subsidies.

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其中一个因素是使用性能违禁药物,或“兴奋剂”。One factor is the use of performance-enhancing drugs, or "doping".

酒、烟、违禁毒品在怀孕期间都是被禁止的。Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs are off-limits during pregnancy.

它甚至违禁故意栽培的想法。It even proscribed the deliberate cultivation of lascivious thoughts.

如发现违禁货物,警方有权查扣。The police have the right to confiscate any forbidden objects they find.

孙杨在2014年曾因服用一种违禁药品而被禁赛三个月。Sun served a three-month suspension in 2014 for taking a banned stimulant.

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他们厂正在大规模地生产违禁药品。Their factory is producing medicines which are forbidden on a large scale.

女性不仅不得参赛,甚至违禁观赛也会受到死刑严惩。Women were forbidden, with death as the punishment, even to see the games.

当局宣城在任何情况下他们都不会容忍服用违禁药品参赛。The authorities announced that they would not tolerate drugs within the sport.

在他的血液中发现有违禁物质麻黄素的迹象。He was found to have traces of the banned substance, ephedrine, in his blood stream.

生产这种违禁塑料袋的小作坊很容易建立起来,对其监控也很难。Small workshops that churn out the contraband bags are easy to set up and hard to police.

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然而,我们的确发现有一些低自尊促成违禁药品使用的证据。We did find, however, some evidence that low self-esteem contributes to illicit drug use.

大多数那不列斯人靠在这座城市迷宫般的小巷里兜售违禁香烟来赚取第一笔钱。Many Neapolitans earn their first lira selling contraband cigarettes in the city's maze of alleys.

在违禁药品中,甲基苯丙胺全球范围的使用者比可卡因和艾洛因使用者的总和还多。Among illegal drugs, methamphetamine now has more users worldwide than cocaine and heroin combined.

那些项目担心倘若违禁者不被处理,赞助商和观众将弃之而去。Other sports feared that sponsors and audiences might ebb away if the drug-takers were not tackled.

这种情况下,麻醉医生会漏问使用违禁药物的问题。The anesthesiologist should not fail to question patients firmly regarding the use of illicit drugs.

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史威尼参加了2002年由世界反违禁药物组织召开、防范违禁基因疗法的研讨会。He took part in a 2002 symposium on the prospect of gene doping organized by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

伊拉克还继续谋求违禁设备,直至上个月还有违禁进口物到货。Iraq also continues to acquire banned equipment, with proscribed imports arriving as recently as last month.

采取紧急措施抗击青少年中违禁药品的广泛使用是很有必要的。It is imperative that something urgent be done to combat the widespread use of illegal drugs among teenagers.