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碱液是从木炭中滤取的。Lye is leached from wood ashes.

他们正在窑内将木头烧成木炭。They are charring wood in a kiln.

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木炭可以吸附有色的液体。Charcoal can adsorb colored liquids.

木炭被滤过以提取碱液。Wood ashes are leached to extract lye.

他的妻子每天早晨用软木炭把眉毛描黑。His wife corks her eyebrows every morning.

便携炉,比如丁烷或木炭Portable stove such as butane or charcoal.

布拉克用木炭来。Braque eked out his collages with charcoal.

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我无法形容那颜色,像木炭,深褐色。I can't describe the color—charcoal, brown.

因此木炭在长时间内不会腐烂。Charcoal, therefore, does not decay very fast.

那名突击队员用木炭把他的脸涂黑。The commando blackened his face with charcoal.

那名突击队员用木炭把他的脸涂黑。The commandos blackened their faces with charcoal.

我公司主要经营机制木炭。Our company mainly engaged in machine-made charcoal.

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请用木炭用绘图板画更容易!Make drawing with charcoal easier with a drawing board!

从油画到木炭烧火钳式的素描,她全都尝试了。She tried everything from oil painting to burning wood.

这两个容器中含有河沙、铁和木炭的碎片。They hold river sand, pieces of iron and wood charcoal.

我们比较了木炭和年轮对火灾的记录。We can compare the charcoal and tree-ring fire records.

产自阿根廷,是阿根廷版的黑布丁,不同的是这种黑布丁是在木炭烤的。Morcilla, Argentina. Argentine version of Black Pudding.

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这两个容器里装有河砂,铁块河木炭。They hold river sands , pieces of iron and wood charcoal.

第三区是由木炭从第二个区。The third zone is made up of charcoal from the second zone.

过滤和软化这种威士忌的是枫木炭。Jack Daniels's whiskey is mellowed using Sugar Maple charcoal.