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自元时始创其法。Since yuan was also when the law.

这所著名的学院始创于1925年。This famous school was founded in 1925.

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盛泰明项目发展集团始创人,及集团香港分公司的行政总裁。STORM Group of Companies & CEO of the Hong Kong Company.

美国弗莱格曼石油公司始创于1950年。FLGM was founded in the United States in 1950, Bergman oil.

嘉善诚亿紧固件制造有限公司始创于2002年。Established in 2002, Jiashan Chengyi Fastener Manufacturing Co.

WECO始创于1921年,总部位于德国的哈瑙是电连接领域的先驱企业与倡导者。Found in 1921, WECO is a pioneer of connectors and terminal blocks.

它始创于2001年,是最古老的网上图书互换社区之一。Created in 2001, it is one of the oldest book-swapping clubs online.

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西安艺通广告装饰有限公司始创于2000年。Xian art tong advertisement decoration Co. , LTD was founded in 2000.

舜天航国际货运代理有限公司2003年始创于青岛。About us Established in Qingdao, China in 2003 Empire-Sky Logistics Co.

他们通常是始创者,虽然他们并不总是完成他们发起的事情。They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start.

凯宾斯基是欧洲最古老的奢华酒店集团,其始创于1897年。Created in 1897, Kempinski Hotels is Europe's oldest luxury hotel group.

公司始创于1988年,1997年晋升为全国无区域性企业集团。Founded in 1988, it was awarded with non-area-limit group glory in 1997.

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上海“煌杰画廊”始创于1997年,其原名“皇极画廊”。Shanghai Huangjie Gallery, originally called Huangji Gallery, was founded in 1997.

法国都龙酒园始创于1873年,位于波尔多附近的弗洛瑞克村。Dulong Freres et Fils was founded in 1873 in the village of Floirac, near Bordeaux.

奥运会始创于公元前776年,直到1912年才允许女选手参加。The Olympic Games, first played in 776 BC, did not include women players until 1912.

哈考特置业始创于1888年,至今已有120多年发展历史。Harcourts established in 1888 and has history in real estate business over 120 years.

我们知道,九品中正制是曹魏始创的选官制度。We know that the Nine-rank system is a system of Cao Wei, Pioneer election officials.

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深圳市宝紫苗果发展有限公司木材加工厂始创于中国广东省深圳市。Was founded in the timber processing plant in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China.

普罗乔夫卡始创于1934年,是欧洲南部,中部和东部的领先企业之一。Podravka is an international company, a leader in the region of South East Middle Europe.

康柏电脑总公司始创于1982年德州休斯顿的一家馅饼店中的一次会晤之后。Compaq Computer Corporation was formed after a 1982 meeting in a Houston, Texas, pie shop.