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朝新地区移动。Moving to new area.

苏丹西部达尔富尔地区是恐怖主义么?Is Darfur terrorism?

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我就来自东北地区。It's where I'm from.

这个地区繁荣起来了。The region is thriving.

那就到地区经纪公司看看。Go to a regional broker.

就像休斯顿地区。Huston was very similar.

这是一个非常偏远的地区。It is a very remote area.

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乌干达古卢地区***Uganda, Gulu district ***

这片地区生机勃勃。It's a pretty active area.

白唇鹿在这个地区很罕见。The moose looks like deer.

他想用核弹轰掉那个地区。He wanted to nuke the area.

这个地区煤矿丰富。The region abounds in coal.

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加拿大的五大湖地区。Canada's Great Lakes region.

喷气机每天飞经那个地区。Jets coursed the area daily.

奥克菲尔德是个低风险的地区。Oakfield is a low risk area.

稻子生长在温暖的地区。Rice grows in warm climates.

埃及圣凯瑟琳地区。Saint Catherine area, Egypt.

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这一地区林木繁密。This area is densely wooded.

叔叔和阿姨都住在附近地区。Aunts and uncles lived nearby.

世界大部分地区平安无事。Most of the world is at peace.