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四月天自行其是。April tut was er will.

我认为劳拉挣脱鲁普顿跑向教堂大门正是自行其是的绝好例子,妙极了。I think it was perfect good form in Laura to bolt from Lupton to the church door.

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我的梦儿只是徒然,因为现实硬冷无情,而梦儿,也同样,以它们自己的方式自行其是。My dreams have been in vain, for truth is hard, and dreams, too, have their own ways.

而且在人民币不再与美元挂钩的情况下,中国就可能会自行其是了。And with the yuan no longer pegged to the dollar China is likely to get its wish on that.

通用汽车的声明说明跨国公司都自行其是。What the General Motors issue shows is that the multi-nationals are a law unto themselves.

外来者,尤指外来政客,在新地区自行其是地追求地位或成功。An outsider, especially a politician, who presumptuously seeks a position or success in a new locality.

可是,真的到了见棺落泪的时候,美联储又不敢让所谓的市场原则自行其是了。When push came to shove, however, the Federal Reserve didn’t dare let market discipline run its course.

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我请求所有利比亚人借助法律来伸张正义,不要背离法律自行其是。I invite all Libyans to resort to the law to right all that is wrong and not to take law into your own hands.

“当领袖们自行其是、所为又深得民心的时候,我们应该感谢他们,”他在一封电子邮件中写道。"When leaders do what they believe is the right thing and it is popular we owe them our thanks, " he wrote in ane-mail.

上个世纪70年代布雷顿森林体系崩溃之后,各国一度在“无体系的体系”中自行其是。After the collapse of Bretton Woods System in 1970's, most of the countries once acted willfully in the "non-system system".

习惯使我们做事不假思索,任大脑自行其是,在熟悉的固定模式中享受无意识的轻松。We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine.

如果任由个人自行其是,他们所提供的教育和医疗是不会达到大家共同期待的水平的。If individuals are left to their own devices, they will not provide levels of education and health that they collectively want.

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“因为在卫生保健和气候变化方面分歧太大,所有他们说众议院民主党只会自行其是的,”他说。"They said that House Democrats would just have to be on their own because they had too many differences on health care and climate change, " he says.

随着摒弃自行其是的宏大设计,以循序渐进的发展方式取而代之,美国将获得更多的通过科技来促进发展的机会。By forsaking go-it-alone grand designs in favor of gradual progress, the United States would increase its chances of fostering development through technology.

布莱尔的前公共关系主管阿拉斯泰尔·坎贝尔说,时任首相的布莱尔拒绝解雇布朗主要是因为,这会给议会中工党后座议员席带来一个不受管束的自行其是者。Alastair Campbell, Blair's former press chief, says that the then prime minister refused to sack Brown mainly because it would have left him a rampant maverick on the Labour backbenches.

正是基于这种安排和普京自行其是的风格,在距离2012年3月的选举还只有8个月的时间内,两个人都没有正式宣布是否竞选。Because of this arrangement, and Mr. Putin’s presumed dominance, neither of the two men has formally announced his candidacy with only seven months to go before the election in March 2012.

开源是与讨论和社区密切相关的,虽然Ninject在软件开发方面“自行其是”,但我仍然专注于提供解决方案以满足社区的需要。Open-source is all about discussion and community, and I while Ninject is "opinionated software" by default, I'm very interested in providing solutions to match the needs of the community.

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最终,一切将导致国家的分裂,逊尼派和什叶派分别作为沙特和伊朗的傀儡交战,同时库尔德人则自行其是。Ultimately, all this will likely produce a fragmentation of the country and a proxy war between Saudi-supported Sunni and Iranian-supported Shia, with the Kurds eventually going their own way.