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他痛感她的观点僵化。He deplored the rigidity of her views.

这个药让你脱离现实中的痛感,就像你的习惯一样,帮你处理世俗中充满压力的生活。The drugs help you escape the pain of reality.

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胳膊、两肩、后背以及颚部有刺痛感pain shooting through arms, shoulders, back or jaw

它能有助于缓解晒伤的灼痛感、痒和发炎。It can help ease sunburn pain, itching, and inflammation.

在高剂量的情况下,PCP可以让人失去痛感。PCP can make one nearly impervious to pain at high doses.

不过在吃过几粒止痛丸之后,痛感消失了。However, after I took some soothing pills, the pain subsided.

你嘴里的刺痛感标志着疾病正在发作。The tingling feeling in your mouth means the disease is working.

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如果动物的痛感比植物强烈,我们应该少吃肉。If animals feel more pain than plants, we should eat less animals.

三度烧伤破坏整层皮肤,无痛感,因痛觉感受器已随真皮全被破坏。There is no pain, because the skin's pain receptors are destroyed.

如果植物比动物的痛感更强烈,我们是否应该少吃素呢?If plants feel more ‘pain’ than animals, should we eat less plants?

而经济危机本身加重了这些负担带来的痛感。The economic crisis has intensified the pain from all these burdens.

不宁腿综合征是最常见的神经疾病之一,大多在夜间休息时发病,发病时腿部有针刺感、刺痛感、麻木等不舒适的感觉,活动、晃动下肢或行走才能缓解。Restless leg syndrome is one of the UK’s most common nerve syndromes.

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上腹部灼痛感,乏力。食欲不振。胸闷。流涎等。Epigastric burning sense of malaise. Anorexia. Chest tightness. Drooling.

他违抗丹的指令,给了珍妮特一些重剂量的麻醉药减轻痛感。He defies Dan’s orders and gives Janet some heavy drugs to ease the pain.

在他们看这些照片时,他们的手掌会被安全地加热至略有轻微痛感。As they looked at the photos, their palms were safely heated to mild pain.

他的家产丧失殆尽,这使他痛感火灾保险必不可少。The loss of all his belongings rammed home the need to insure against fire.

抽搐发作时面部一般无痛感,不伴颈部及肢体的抽搐。The seizures face without pain, when general not with neck and body twitch.

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微微的刺痛感传遍全身,阿索卡觉得自己的心漏跳了一拍。Ahsoka felt her heart skip a beat as the tingling settled all over her body.

当悲恸被允许释放所有的痛感,会对灵魂产生舒缓帮助作用。Once grief is permitted with all its pain, it has a relieving effect on the soul.

她们将感受到的痛感运用20分满分的方式进行区隔。They were then given a 20-point scale to use to rate their pain after each shock.