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我们的生产稳步上升。Our production goes steadily up.

稳步辊女子前来自首途中。Steady rollin woman gonna come my way.

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中国一直在稳步实现工业化。China has been steadily industrializing.

埃利稳步而缓慢地向他们走去。Elley made steadily but slowly towards them.

修长的四肢稳步挺进,真诚的眼睛闪闪发光。Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

你的工作怎么样?谢谢你,正在稳步发展呢!How's your work going? Oh, just bumming along, thanks.

上海队稳步地赶上天津队。The Shanghai team drew up steadily with the Tianjin team.

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中国的对外贸易稳步发展,日益均衡。China´s external trade is steadily becoming more balanced.

自1990年开始,工伤事故数目每年稳步增长。Work-related accidents steadily increased from 1990 to 2002.

地方政府机构改革有序开展,事业单位分类改革试点稳步进行。The local government mechanism reform is on the way in order.

过去也有人这样庆祝,但现在这种庆祝方式稳步增多。People had done this in the past, but it is steadily increasing.

从那以后,她的报酬和工作时间一直在稳步下降。Since then, her pay and her hours have moved steadily downwards.

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三是稳步推进加工贸易转型升级。Third, we will steadily carry out upgrading of processing trade.

他表示这对促进经济稳步发展很重要。This, he says, is vital to get the economy chugging along again.

稳步的信息交流将它们焊接成一个单一的系统。A steady exchange of information welds them into a single system.

稳步推进社会主义新农村建设。Steady progress was made in building a new socialist countryside.

自3月份以来,股市整体稳步回升。The broader stock market has chugged steadily higher since March.

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第二、化学武器销毁稳步展开。Second, the destruction of chemical weapons is under way steadily.

郑锦是创始人,首任校长七年,此期是该校稳步发展和规范化的阶段。Zheng Jin was its founder and the first president for seven years.

那声音稳步放大直到犹如一架管风琴里所有的风管齐鸣。The noise steadily grows till it is like all the pipes of an organ.